In this page you can find the images of all eproms used in the computer, the images of system disks and other floppy disks containing programs made by me, and also the images of various tapes.



Floppy disk images files with .DMK extension were created by reading floppies with a normal PC with the Catweasel MK4 interface (actually discontinued and almost impossible to find), using the program cw2dmk.exe by Tim Mann, used usually to read Tandy TRS-80 floppies (infact NE-DOS file system is compatible with NEWDOS file system).

At the moment there no other methods to recreate these floppies starting from images without using this interface card. The reason is that the directory track contains sectors ID there aren't recognizable by floppy disk controller used in a standard PC.


To recreate floppies using the Catweasel MK4 interface you need to download the "Catweasel Floppy Read/Write Tools" by Tim Mann. His web site is, while the tools can be downloaded from his site at the address:

or you can download them here.


Then you need to use this command:

dmk2cw -d1 -s1 -v1 -m1 -k2 IMAGE_FILENAME.DMK

The parameters -d1, -m1 and -k2 can vary depending on the drive you own.

If you are saving on a 3"1/2 floppy the parameters are: -m1 -k2

If you are saving on a 5"1/4 floppy in a 360K drive the parameters are: -m1 -k2

If you are saving on a 5"1/4 floppy in a 1.2M drive the parameters are: -m2 -k1

The "-d" parameter is used to set the drive to use. Write "-d1" if you are saving on the A: drive or write "-d0" if you are saving on the B: drive.


3"1/2 floppies need to be necessarily DD. If you are using a HD drive you can use a HD floppy but you must close the right floppy hole with some insulating tape, so that the drive thinks it's DD.



Floppy images with .IMD extension were created by the program "ImageDisk", that you can download here. NE-DOS floppy disks .IMD images (NE-DOS images ONLY) have translated datamarks, so they need to be converted as shown below.

The only manual parameters to be set when using ImageDisk are drive to be used (A: or B:) and "Double step", that need to be placed "OFF".

If you use 3"1/2 floppy disks they need to be DD. Is you use a HD drive you can use HD floppy disks by closing their right hole by way of plastic tape, so that the drive see them as they are DD.



Floppy disk format is explained in the add-on and researches section.




Finally I found a manner to distribute NE-DOS format floppy images, so that they can be written using a normal PC.

The workaround is to use Z80NE to convert directory track data address mark (track 17) that PCs are not able to read by changing them to data address mark that PCs can read, so that it's possibile to subsequently read and write disks using a normal PC with ImageDisk program.

Conversion is done using Z80 computer and a proper assembler program written by me. This program is stored into a ImageDisk image that can be written to a floppy using a PC. This is an autoboot floppy on Z80 and, thanks to the assembler program, its data address marks don't need to be converted.


WARNING: boot disks that contain this program need "1390" or "2390" eproms (that are the eproms that boot NE-DOS version 1.5 or G.1.0 respectively). They DON'T work with "390" or SONE "683" eproms. This method has to be used only with NE-DOS formatted floppy disks: it doesn't work for SONE or other disk formats.



So, follow this method to recreate NE-DOS format floppy disks starting from .IMD images downloadable from this site:

  1. download the image of data address mark conversion program. There are two versions available: one is for LX.388 video interface (to be used with "1390" eprom) and the other one is for video graphic interface (to be used with "2390" eprom)
  2. write this image to a floppy disk using a PC and ImageDisk program (NOTE: this program runs on MS-DOS only)
  3. download the image of the disk you prefer from the list of available floppy images, for example DISK01.IMD, and write it to a floppy disk using a PC and ImageDisk program
  4. put the data address mark floppy disk program into Z80 drive 0, reset the computer and act as you would boot NE-DOS: the conversion program will start automatically
  5. insert the disk to be converted into a drive (you can remove the conversion program floppy disk if you have only one drive)
  6. select option 1 (da immagine a floppy Z80)
  7. select the drive number where you put the floppy disk to be converted (from 0 to 3: "0" is the first drive)
  8. press RETURN. The conversion will start (it takes around 2 seconds)
  9. if there are errors they will be displayed next on the screen.

At this time you can reset the computer and use the converted floppy normally.



In case you have disks and you want to make images then proceed exactly in reverse, so:

  1. on the conversion program use option 2 (da floppy Z80 a immagine) to convert your Z80 floppy. Obviously after the conversion it will be no more readable from the Z80NE, so for safety make the conversion on a copy, even if the procedure is totally reversible by simply using the option 1 (da immagine a floppy Z80) after the conversion
  2. make an image of the converted floppy using a PC with ImageDisk program
  3. if you would like to have the image published on this site, send it to me and I'll be happy to publish it.


Floppy disks with converted data address marks (like images that are downloaded from this site and that are written on a floppy disk with ImageDisk) can be used directly on a PC running David Keil TRS-80 model 1 emulator and its F350_720.dsk driver, after booting it on NewDos 2.1.

Z80 converted floppy disks can't be booted on TRS-80, but they can be read/written by the emulator putting them into the physical PC disk drive: the emulator needs to boot to NewDos 2.1, and you need to put the image of a particular floppy named F350_720.dsk in an emulator virtual disk (this floppy image can be found in the emulator distribution between its utilities). This floppy image has the purpose to tell the emulator to use the physical drive where you will put our converted Z80 floppy disk. This way, when accessing the virtual drive, the emulator will write and read on the physical PC drive and so on our Z80 floppy disk.

I didn't check if converted floppy work on a real TRS-80 yet, but I surely will try in future.

You can download David Keil emulator version 6.21 here also. Into the .zip file there are the needed utilities and NewDos 2.1.



Instead, the audio tapes images were created by reading the original tape with an audio card on a PC and by saving the file in .wav format.

Then the saved audio file has been processed by a program made by me that analyzed its content, corrected imperfections, and converted the audio signal to bytes (so the file originally saved on the tape was recreated). Then this file was read and a new .wav file was generated, with a perfect wave shape because it has been digitally created.

So the tape images you will find here are all with a perfect audio signal and without any errors. I suggest to download and write them on a CD that can be read with a normal CD player connected to the computer tape interface, or connect the PC audio output to the tape interface and use the PC as player with Windows Media Player or WinAmp (warning: if you want to convert the images to MP3 format you need to use a high quality conversion, because MP3 format is "lossy" and it's hard to make them to work properly).

In every .zip file there are three audio files of the same program, recorded at a speed of 300, 600 and 1200 baud. Use the file you need depending on the speed you have setup and calibrated on the tape interface.



The files containing eprom images can be used directly with any eprom programmer to recreate the original eprom. They are in raw binary format, without headers.



In any case, if you need some floppies, tapes or eproms and you aren't able to recreate them starting from images, e-mail me and I'll try to please you and send them to you at the only shipping costs.



Firmware on eprom 2708 eprom code "382" containing the monitor firmware for the hexadecimal keyboard and display (thanks to Biagio Paribello and Antonio Giuliana for providing listings with remarks) 1 K
Firmware on eprom 2708 eprom code "390" NOT complemented for the floppy interface LX.390 (it requires the video card LX.388) (thanks to Biagio Paribello and Salvatore Besso for providing listings with remarks) 1 K
Firmware on eprom 2708 eprom code "390" complemented for the floppy interface LX.390 (it requires the video card LX.388). Use this version if the eprom needs to be mounted in the socket of the floppy interface card LX.390 (thanks to Biagio Paribello and Salvatore Besso for providing listings with remarks) 1 K
Firmware on eprom 2708 eprom code "394" for the eprom programmer LX.394-395 (thanks to Biagio Paribello for providing listings with remarks) 1 K
EP1390.BIN EP1390.ASM Firmware on eprom 2708 eprom code "1390" NOT complemented for the floppy interface LX.390 (it requires the video card LX.388) 1 K
EP1390_CPL.BIN EP1390.ASM Firmware on eprom 2708 eprom code "1390" complemented for the floppy interface LX.390 (it requires the video card LX.388). Use this version if the eprom needs to be mounted in the socket of the floppy interface card LX.390 1 K
EP2390.BIN EP2390.ASM Firmware on eprom 2708 eprom code "2390" NOT complemented for the floppy interface LX.390 (it requires the video graphic card LX.529) 1 K
EP2390_CPL.BIN EP2390.ASM Firmware on eprom 2708 eprom code "2390" complemented for the floppy interface LX.390 (it requires the video graphic card LX.529). Use this version if the eprom needs to be mounted in the socket of the floppy interface card LX.390 1 K
Firmware on eprom 2716 eprom code "683" NOT complemented for the floppy interface LX.390 and the S.O.N.E. operative system (it requires the video graphic card LX.529) 2 K
Firmware on eprom 2716 eprom code "683" complemented for the floppy interface LX.390 and the S.O.N.E. operative system (it requires the video graphic card LX.529). Use this version if the eprom needs to be mounted in the socket of the floppy interface card LX.390. NOTE: to use this eprom it's necessary to make the patches to the floppy interface card as explained in the article UN SISTEMA OPERATIVO COMPATIBILE CP/M 2 K
MONITOR.BIN   Firmware on eprom 27C010 or 27C020 eprom containing the multi-boot firmware as explained in the add-ons section 34 K
  Firmware on eprom 2716 eproms code "529"and "530" for the character generator of the video graphic interface LX.529 2K









  Firmware on eprom 2716 eproms containing 16 KBytes basic for the card LX.548 2 K
2 K
2 K
2 K
2 K
2 K
2 K
2 K
BASIC55K.IMD   Floppy image 5.5K floppy basic (it requires the video card LX.388 and eprom "390") 10 K
  Floppy image NE-DOS operative system version 1.5 with Basic version 2.1 (it requires the video card LX.388 and eprom "1390") - This is the image of the original floppy that has Nuova Elettronica brand 255 K
BASIC21+DOS15.DMK   Floppy image NE-DOS operative system version 1.5 with Basic version 2.1 (it requires video card LX.388 and eprom "1390") 255 K
  Floppy image NE-DOS operative system version G.1 with Basic version G.1.0 (it requires the video graphic card LX.529 and eprom "2390") - This is the image of the original floppy that has Nuova Elettronica brand 255 K
BASICG10+DOSG1.DMK   Floppy image NE-DOS operative system version G.1 with Basic version G.1.0 (it requires the video graphic card LX.529 and eprom "2390") - This image has the patch explained in the article CONSIGLI E ERRATA CORRIGE on magazine 95 already applied 255 K
SONE_FD.DMK   Floppy image SONE operative system CP/M compatible - Version with files for floppy disk (it requires the video graphic card LX.529 and eprom "683") 255 K
SONE_HD.DMK   Floppy image SONE operative system CP/M compatible - Version with files for hard disk (it requires the video graphic card LX.529 and eprom "683") 255 K
  Floppy image Editor Assembler/Disassembler (it requires the video card LX.388 and eprom "1390"). This is the version for video card LX.388.
These programs manuals are in the magazine number 82/83 (PROGRAMMI NUOVI PER MICRO Z80) and in the manual ISTRUZIONI E COMANDI PER BASIC ASSEMBLER PIU' GRAFICA
255 K
  Floppy image Editor Assembler/Disassembler (it requires the video card LX.529 and eprom "2390"). This is the version for video graphic card LX.529.
These programs manuals are in the magazine number 82/83 (PROGRAMMI NUOVI PER MICRO Z80) and in the manual ISTRUZIONI E COMANDI PER BASIC ASSEMBLER PIU' GRAFICA.
This version has been recovered by undeleting some files that were on the original NE-DOS version G.1.0 floppy. Probably, Nuova Elettronica tecnicians saved that files on the master floppy to be distributed, but they deleted them because that files weren't part of the distribution (infact editor assembler/disassembler was sold separately). Anyway, due to the fact that they are recovered files, I cannot guarantee that they are the official version and not a test version instead. However, from the tests I made, they work perfectly.

From the NE-DOS version G.1.0 original floppy I was able to undelete and recover the following programs, that I saved on this floppy: Editor assembler, Disassembler, Super Debug, Disk Print and LmOffset.
The Super Debug has been announced on the magazine, but it was never released. It's clear that it's a preliminar version, because it's clearly a bad preliminar translation in italian of an english program, probably SuperZap that was made for Tandy TRS-80.
The Disk Print is a program never named on the magazine, that dumps floppy contents on video or printer.
Then the LmOffset program, also never named on the magazine, it's the same program that can be found on the Tandy TRS-80
255 K
  Audio tape image Tape basic italian-english version 1.0 (it requires the video card LX.388). Both files are needed and they must be separately loaded as explained in the magazine number 74 38 K
143 K




(to use these images follow instructions shown before)

Note: all software except Operating System is in Italian
CONVFLP.IMD Floppy image
with converted
data address mark
Video card LX.388 and alphanumeric keyboard LX.387 are required.

It contains the program to convert data address mark of the directory track.
To be used with LX.388 video card and "1390" eprom.

WARNING: this disk starts in auto-boot only (act as you boot NE-DOS). This floppy must not be converted
98 K
CONVFLPG.IMD Floppy image
with converted
data address mark
Video card LX.529 and alphanumeric keyboard LX.387 are required.

It contains the program to convert data address mark of the directory track.
To be used with LX.529 video card and "2390" eprom.

WARNING: this disk starts in auto-boot only (act as you boot NE-DOS). This floppy must not be converted
100 K
DISK01.IMD Floppy image
with converted
data address mark
Video card LX.388 and alphanumeric keyboard LX.387 are required.

It contains the following programs:

- basic 2.1 + ne-dos 1.5 operating system and basic
- totocalc/bas program to guess results of "totocalcio" italian game
- sommergi/bas submarine simulation
- disklist/bas show a file content
- graphic/asc generic graphic routine to be used into other programs
- life/bas "Life" game
- monitor/cmd start monitor for the hexadecimal keyboard
- fourier/bas show a graphic function
- motocros/bas game where you must jump over a number of trash can using a motorcicle
- gimcana/bas game where you must drive a car in a tortuous street. Use "," and "." to go left/right
- disegni/bas program to paint pixels on the screen and to save draw
- navale/bas game where a boat must shoot to submarines
- barbari/bas game where you must shoot to barbarians that are climbing on a castle wall
98 K
DISK02.IMD Floppy image
with converted
data address mark
Video card LX.388 and alphanumeric keyboard LX.387 are required.

It contains the following programs:

- basic 2.1 + ne-dos 1.5 operating system and basic
- bioritmi/bas program to compute biorythms with printer output
- aereo/bas game where you must bomb some skycrapers using a plane. Use "," and "." to shoot
- aereo1/bas other version of the "aereo/bas" game
- linee/bas program to draw a line on the screen
- mateca/bas compute: prime factors, MCD and MCM, two degrees equations
- ostacol2/bas "Snake" game clone
- filtri/bas compute filters: bass pass, band pass and high pass
- latino/bas program to coniugate verbs of latin language
- basic/g10 program to boot ne-dos G.1.0
- basic/v21 program to boot ne-dos 2.1. Basic G.1.0 is required
- frogger/bas "Frogger" game clone, where you must drive a frog to pass a high-traffic street and a river
96 K
DISK03.IMD Floppy image
with converted
data address mark
Video card LX.529 and alphanumeric keyboard LX.387 are required.

It contains the following programs:

- basic G.1 + ne-dos G.1.0 operating system and basic
- robot/bas robot war, to be programmed in basic. Requires video card LX.388 and LX.529
- robot1/bas alternate version of robot/bas. Requires video card LX.388 and LX.529
- robot2/bas alternate version of robot/bas. Requires video card LX.388 and LX.529
- quadrato/bas draw a square tunnel
- frasi/bas unuseful phrases generator
- allunagg/bas instrumental lunar landing. By Corrado Giustozzi
- accordi/bas compute notes that make a musical chord
- ohm/bas ohm law simulation in a resistive circuit
- basic/v21 perform NE-DOS 1.5 bootstrap. Requires video cards LX.388 and LX.529
- bootstra/cmd assembler program used by basic/v21
- graphic/bas draw random geometric shapes
- prospett/bas perspective computing of a house
- prospet1/bas perspective draw. Doesn't work
- disegni/bas let you draw by using numeric keys
- sinusoid/bas graphic sum of sinusoids. Requires video cards LX.388 and LX.529
- meridian/bas draw a function
- fourier/bas draw a Fourier function
- rilievo/bas draw a function
100 K
DISK04.IMD Floppy image
with converted
data address mark
Video card LX.529 and alphanumeric keyboard LX.387 are required.

It contains the following programs:

- basic G.1 + ne-dos G.1.0 operating system and basic
- filelist/bas show or print a file data in ascii and hexadecimal
- lander/bas lunar lander
- asta/bas simulation of a dropping line
- asta1/bas simulation of a dropping line (without pauses)
- diagnose/bas artificial intelligence simulation
- copia/bas copy boot/sys file using a single drive
- dieta/bas program of dietetic information
- oroscopo/bas compute astrological information
- battnava/bas naval battle
- labirint/bas random labyrinth where you need to exit
- tastiera/bas simulate INKEY$ instruction on keyboard connected to LX.388 video card. Uses assembler
- prospet2/bas perspective computing of a house (different graphic routines)
- linee/asc subroutine to draw a line without interruptions
100 K
DISK05.IMD Floppy image
with converted
data address mark
Video card LX.529 and alphanumeric keyboard LX.387 are required.

It contains the following programs:

- basic G.1 + ne-dos G.1.0 operating system and basic
- startrek/bas Star Trek game. Unfinished, doesn't work
- zoo/bas program to guess an animal, with autolearning
- zoo/txt data file used by zoo/bas
- petrarca/bas poetic phrases generator. By Franco Lentini
- poetri/bas similar to petrarca/bas but it stores vocabulary on files
- creafile/bas data file creation for poetri/bas program
- monitor/v11 start monitor firmware patched to work with LX.388 video card
- basic/v21 start NE-DOS 1.5 bootstrap. Requires LX.388 and LX.529 video cards. Must be run from basic G.1.0
- basic/g10 start NE-DOS G.1.0 bootstrap. Requires LX.388 and LX.529 video cards. Must be run from basic 2.1
- mon/cmd monitor firmware version to use keyboard connected to LX.529 video card. Enter key doesn't work, use "space" instead
- monitor1/cmd monitor firmware for LX.384 hexadecimal keyboard
100 K
DISK06.IMD Floppy image
with converted
data address mark
Video card LX.529 and alphanumeric keyboard LX.387 are required. The enclosed program starts on auto-boot.

It contains the following programs:

- basic G.1 + ne-dos G.1.0 operating system and basic
- rubrica/bas phone contacts
- rubrica1/bas phone contacts with reverse video
- menu select type of phone contacts
- gestione/bas company management
- wordproc/bas write input to a file
100 K
DISK07.IMD Floppy image
with converted
data address mark
Video card LX.529 and alphanumeric keyboard LX.387 are required.

It contains the following programs:

- basic G.1 + ne-dos G.1.0 operating system and basic
- toto1/bas compute "totocalcio" game card. Data file missing
- toto2/bas compute "totocalcio" game card. Data file missing
- calendar/bas calendar print. Doesn't work
- accoppia/bas unknown program
- pacman/bas pacman game. Doesn't work. Requires LX.388 and LX.529 video cards
- mangia/bas "eat UFO" game
- barbari/bas barbarians game. Requires LX.388 and LX.529 video cards
- barbari1/bas barbarians game. Version for LX.529 video card
- pacsub/asc screen subroutine of the pacman/bas game
100 K
DISK08.IMD Floppy image
with converted
data address mark
Video card LX.529 and alphanumeric keyboard LX.387 are required.

It contains the following programs:

- basic G.1 + ne-dos G.1.0 operating system and basic
- disass/bas z80 disassembler. Unfinished
- disas1/bas z80 disassembler. Unfinished
- disas2/bas z80 disassembler. Unfinished
- disas3/bas z80 disassembler. Unfinished
- disas4/bas z80 disassembler. Unfinished
- matrice/txt data file used by disass/bas
- readcanz/bas read text files
- writecan/bas write text files
100 K
DISK09.IMD Floppy image
with converted
data address mark
Video card LX.529 and alphanumeric keyboard LX.387 are required.

It contains the following programs:

- basic G.1 + ne-dos G.1.0 operating system and basic
- tappa2/bas bycicle contest chart (it was shown on a local TV)
- tappa3/bas bycicle contest chart (it was shown on a local TV)
- tappa4/bas bycicle contest chart (it was shown on a local TV)
- tappa5/bas bycicle contest chart (it was shown on a local TV)
- tappa6/bas bycicle contest chart (it was shown on a local TV)
- tappa7/bas bycicle contest chart (it was shown on a local TV)
- disas5/bas z80 disassembler. Unfinished
- stampa/bas print of a computer science course program
- carica/bas load of a computer science course program
- daticors/rnd data of a computer science course program
100 K
DISK10.IMD Floppy image
with converted
data address mark
Video card LX.529 and alphanumeric keyboard LX.387 are required.

It contains the following programs:

- moni7000/cmd monitor firmware allocated at 7000h for LX.384 hexadecimal keyboard
- tasc/asc routine to read a key without interruption of the basic program. It replaces NE-DOS keyboard manager
- tast1/asc routine to read a key without interruption of the basic program. It replaces NE-DOS keyboard manager
- test/bas test program for tast/asc
- test1/bas test program for tast1/asc
11 K
DISK11.IMD Floppy image
with converted
data address mark
Video card LX.529 and alphanumeric keyboard LX.387 are required. The enclosed program starts on auto-boot.

It contains the following programs:

- basic G.1 + ne-dos G.1.0 operating system and basic
- telefono/bas phone contacts. It saves data in a different file for every initial name letter
100 K
DISK12.IMD Floppy image
with converted
data address mark
Video card LX.388 and alphanumeric keyboard LX.387 are required.

It contains the following programs:

- basic 2.1 + ne-dos 1.5 operating system and basic
- convflp/cmd program similar to CONVFLP.IMD disk, but that can be run from NE-DOS 1.5. Allocated at 9000h
- convflpg/cmd program similar to CONVFLPG.IMD disk, but that can be run from NE-DOS G.1.0. Allocated at 9000h
- imgz80/cmd convert directory data address mark from PC format to Z80 format
- z80img/cmd convert directory data address mark from Z80 format to PC format
- scrivsys/cmd write track 15h of file SYS7/SYS on drive 1 reading from A000h to boot in place of NE-DOS 2.1
- scrisysg/cmd write track 15h of file SYS7/SYS on drive 1 reading from A000h to boot in place of NE-DOS G.1.0
- convflp/obj object file of convflp/cmd allocated at 9000h
- convflp0/obj object file of convflp/cmd allocated at 0000h
- convflpg/obj object file of convflpg/cmd allocated at 9000h
- convflp1/obj object file of convflpg/cmd allocated at 0000h
- scrivsys/obj object file of scrivsys/cmd
- scrisysg/obj object file of scrisysg/cmd
- leggesys/bas read sys7/sys file and show it in hexadecimal
- scrivsys/bas write sys7/sys file. Doesn't work
- poke/bas read a file and write it in ram at the requested address
- floppyr2/cmd read directory track 17 and write it in ram from D000h ("read track" command )
- floppyw2/cmd write directory track 17 with data starting from D000h ("write track" command)
- floppyrw/cmd read or write all sectors of the requested track and put them starting from D000h ("read/write sector command "). Before running it you need to setup track number in C7FFh, write command type in C7FEh (A8, A9, AA or AB as shown in FD1771 datasheet) and the operation to perform in C7FDh (0=read, 1=write)
97 K
DISK13.IMD Floppy image
with converted
data address mark
Video card LX.529 and alphanumeric keyboard LX.387 are required.

It contains the following programs:

- basic G.1 + ne-dos G.1.0 operating system and basic
- moltipli/bas multiply two numbers by way of sums only
- paghe/bas split requested amounts into different money size (in Italian Lire) with 5 Lire rounding
- grave/bas compute space related to speed and time of an object dropping
- riordino/bas sort of requested numbers by way of "bubble sort" algorithm
- fattor/bas compute factorial one. Doesn't work (corrupted file)
- dado/bas compute distribution of random dice extraction
100 K
DISK14.IMD Floppy image
with converted
data address mark
Video card LX.529 and alphanumeric keyboard LX.387 are required. The enclosed program starts on auto-boot.

It contains the following programs:

- basic G.1 + ne-dos G.1.0 operating system and basic
- menutoto/bas main menù of "totocalcio" game card computing
- caritoto/bas insert teams. Called from menutoto/bas
- moditoto/bas Modify teams. Called from menutoto/bas
- punttoto/bas Update teams data. Called from menutoto/bas
- toto/bas compute "totocalcio" game card. Called from menutoto/bas
- datitoto/rnd teams data file
- copydati/bas copy data file using a single drive
100 K
DISK15.IMD Floppy image
with converted
data address mark
Video card LX.529 and alphanumeric keyboard LX.387 are required. Disk must auto-boot.

This disk is a patched NE-DOS with some messages cosmetic changes.
It contains the following programs:

- basic G.1 + ne-dos G.1.0 operating system and basic
- dos/bas patch NE-DOS prompt
- error/bas patch "file not found" message
- basiname/bas patch basic heading
- dir/bas patch DIR command heading
- dosname/bas patch NE-DOS heading
- ready/bas patch basic prompt
- filelist/bas print a file to video or printer, in ascii and hexadecimal format
- listdos/bas patch DOS LIST command
- protgioc/bas make a simple floppy protection by patching some NE-DOS and basic commands
- syntax/bas patch "syntax error" message
100 K
DISK16.IMD Floppy image
with converted
data address mark
Video card LX.529 and alphanumeric keyboard LX.387 are required. Disk must auto-boot.

This disk is a collection of games that can be found in other disks also, starting from a single main menù.
It contains the following programs:

- basic G.1 + ne-dos G.1.0 operating system and basic
- battnava/bas naval battle
- diagnose/bas animals
- barbari/bas barbarians
- frasi/bas unuseful phrases generator
- allunagg/bas instrumental lunar landing
- ohm/bas ohm law simulation in a resistive circuit
- sinusoid/bas graphic sum of sinusoids. Requires video cards LX.388 and LX.529
100 K
DISK17.IMD Floppy image
with converted
data address mark
Video card LX.529 and alphanumeric keyboard LX.387 are required. Disk must auto-boot.

This disk contains a program to manage relays and sequential lights.
The physical connection to relays and lights is done by a dedicated interface card to be connected to the printer port
99 K
DISK18.IMD Floppy image
with converted
data address mark
Video card LX.529 and alphanumeric keyboard LX.387 are required. Disk must auto-boot.

This disk is similar to DISK17.IMD. Differences are unknown at the moment
99 K
DISK19.IMD Floppy image
with converted
data address mark
Video card LX.529 and alphanumeric keyboard LX.387 are required. Disk must auto-boot.

This disk is similar to DISK17.IMD, but this version uses assembler to control the printer port (doesn't work)
99 K
DISK20.IMD Floppy image
with converted
data address mark
Video card LX.529 and alphanumeric keyboard LX.387 are required. Disk must auto-boot.

This disk is almost identical to DISK06.IMD
100 K
DISK21.IMD Floppy image
with converted
data address mark
Video card LX.529 and alphanumeric keyboard LX.387 are required.

It contains the following programs, that are identicals to that ones on DISK01:

- basic 2.1 + ne-dos 1.5 operating system and basic
- monitor/cmd start monitor for the hexadecimal keyboard
- fourier/bas draw a Fourier function
- motocros/bas game where you must jump over a number of trash can using a motorcicle
- gimcana/bas game where you must drive a car in a tortuous street. Use "," and "." to go left/right
- navale/bas game where a boat must shoot to submarines
98 K
DISK22.IMD Floppy image
with converted
data address mark
Video card LX.529 and alphanumeric keyboard LX.387 are required. Disk must auto-boot.

This disk contains a program to receive and show scores.
Data receiving is done by an assembler routine, but its working function is unknown at the moment
100 K
DISK23.IMD Floppy image
with converted
data address mark
Video card LX.529 and alphanumeric keyboard LX.387 are required. Disk must auto-boot.

This disk contains a demo program used at "Vicenza Retrocomputing 2007" show.
To completely see the demo you need both LX.592 and LX.388 video cards
100 K
DISK24.IMD Floppy image
with converted
data address mark
Video card LX.529 and alphanumeric keyboard LX.387 are required.

This disk contains different dumps of Z80NE eproms
56 K
DISK26.IMD Floppy image
with converted
data address mark
Video card LX.529 and alphanumeric keyboard LX.387 are required.

This disk is the original NE-DOS G.1.0 + BASIC G.1 signed by Nuova Elettronica
100 K
DISK27.IMD Floppy image
with converted
data address mark
Video card LX.388 and alphanumeric keyboard LX.387 are required.

This disk is the original NE-DOS 1.5 + BASIC 2.1 signed by Nuova Elettronica
95 K
DISK28.IMD Floppy image
with converted
data address mark
Video card LX.388 and alphanumeric keyboard LX.387 are required.

It contains the following programs:

- basic 2.1 + ne-dos 1.5 operating system and basic
- edtasm/cmd Z80 editor / assembler
- disassem/cmd Z80 disassembler
96 K
DISK29.IMD Floppy image
with converted
data address mark
Video card LX.529 and alphanumeric keyboard LX.387 are required.

It contains the following programs:

- basic G.1 + ne-dos G.1.0 operating system and basic
- edtasm/cmd Z80 editor / assembler
- disassem/cmd Z80 disassembler
- lmoffset/cmd program to relocate an assembler program
- superdeb/bas superdebug (beta version)
- diskprin/bas show or print a file, in hexadecimal and ascii
100 K





Video interface LX.388 and alphanumeric keyboard LX.387 are both required
The Italian-English tape basic must be previously loaded, if not differently specified

Note: all software is in Italian
Audio tape image Biorythm computing in assembler. Tape basic doesn't need to be previously loaded. All three parts must be loaded sequentially and only at the end you can run the program by pressing CTRL+4 on the hexadecimal keyboard 36 K
36 K
32 K
BIORITMI (BASIC).ZIP Audio tape image Biorythm computing. Program coded in english 56 K
CALCOLO EQUO CANONE.ZIP Audio tape image Program to compute italian houses rent, using a Italy law in order during '80. Program coded in italian 54 K
CANNIBALI.ZIP Audio tape image Game where you must move three explorers and three cannibals from one side of a river to the other one, without cannibals "eating" explorers. The instructions are inside the game. Program coded in english 133 K
CODA DI BUE.ZIP Audio tape image Dice game where you must delete 6 rows of numbers. Program coded in italian 67 K
CONTO ALLA ROVESCIA.ZIP Audio tape image Simple game where you must guess a number to stop a countdown. Program coded in english 51 K
DISEGNI.ZIP Audio tape image Program to set or reset pixels on the screen to build simple paints. Input commands are numbers from 0 to 9. Program coded in english 24 K
ESTRAZIONE AMBI.ZIP Audio tape image The purpose of this program is not clear. Program coded in italian 25 K
GESTIONE MAGAZZINO.ZIP Audio tape image Simple program to store some codes, stocks, purchasing and selling prices. It contains an assembler routine to save data on tape. Prograrm coded in italian 149 K
IL BUCO NERO.ZIP Audio tape image Dice game with bets where you must guess a number between two given numbers. Program coded in english 53 K
IL DADO E' TRATTO.ZIP Audio tape image Dice game with bets. The instructions are inside the game. Program coded in italian 71 K
IL FLIPPER DELLA FORTUNA.ZIP Audio tape image Game where you must run a ball in a flipper that gives different wins. Program coded in english 70 K
IL GIOCO DELLE RANE.ZIP Audio tape image Game where you must move 8 frogs from one side to the other side of the monitor. Program coded in english 37 K
LEGGE 373.ZIP Audio tape image Program to compute thermal dispersion of an house, using parameters of the Italian law 373. Program coded in english 55 K
LUNGHEZZA DELLA VITA.ZIP Audio tape image Program to guess life length by way of some questions. Program coded in english 61 K
MASTER MIND.ZIP Audio tape image Master Mind game. Program coded in english 57 K
MISSIONE BOMBARDAMENTO.ZIP Audio tape image Simulation game where you must make a strike mission behind enemy lines. The instructions are inside the game. Program coded in english 107 K
MISTO.ZIP Audio tape image This program contains four different games. This program is unfinished and not working. Program coded in english 297 K
NIM.ZIP Audio tape image Game for two players where they must remove some pawns from 5 rows. The winner is who remove the last pawn. Program coded in english 34 K
NUMERI LOTTO.ZIP Audio tape image Random extraction of numbers for the italian Lotto game. Program coded in italian 65 K
ODISSEA NELLO SPAZIO.ZIP Audio tape image Game where you must find a lost spaceship. Program coded in english 49 K
OMINI GIALLI.ZIP Audio tape image Game where you must guess the number of "yellow men" displayed on the screen. Program coded in italian 49 K
PARTITA A DADI.ZIP Audio tape image Very simple dice game against the computer or a human player. Program coded in italian 74 K
PRONOSTICI TOTOCALCIO.ZIP Audio tape image Program to guess soccer results for italian game Totocalcio. Porting of TCL 1.2 program by Franco Lentini, made for Apple II. Program coded in english 95 K
QUADRATI CONSECUTIVI.ZIP Audio tape image Program to show a series of squares. Program coded in italian 27 K
RANDOMIZE.ZIP Audio tape image Odd-even game. Program coded in english 55 K




Following floppy disks are part of Constantinos Haritakis disk library (thanks to Pino Giaquinto that gave them to me for dumping).

Unfortunately some floppy disks aren't completely readable, and some files could be corrupted. In the following table there are disks errors if any.


Almost all these floppy disks where used on both sides by way of a patch made on LX.390 floppy disk interface that let it address the second side of drive 1 as it would be drive 2: the computer saw both sides as two different physical disks with address 1 for side A, and 2 for side B.

To maintain compatibility with original Z80 NE drives and to avoid making the patch on floppy disk interface to read second side, all disks have been converted from double side to single side. So, for example, file name CH06A.IMD mean it's the first side of disk 6, and CH06B.IMD mean it's the second side of disk 6. These disk images must be normally written on different single side physical disks.


(to use these images follow instructions shown before)

Note: all software except Operating System is in Italian
CH01.DMK NE-DOS floppy image

Video card LX.529 and alphanumeric keyboard LX.387 are required.

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size        Attr
BOOT/SYS             768        SI-1
SYS6/SYS            3361        SI-1
FORMAT/CMD          3840        -I-1
DISASSEM/CMD        5376        ---0
BASIC/CMD           4983        -I-1
SUPERDEB           12901        ---0
DIR/SYS             2560        SI-1
SYS7/SYS           13568        SI-1
DISKTEST/CMD        3328        -I-1
COPY/CMD            1280        -I-1
SYS0/SYS            3328        SI-1
EPV1/CMD            1056        ---0
EP390/CMD           1057        ---0
SYS1/SYS            1166        SI-1
EDTASM/CMD          8192        ---0
SYS2/SYS            1076        SI-1
SYS3/SYS            1280        SI-1
SYS11/SYS           1276        SI-1
SYS4/SYS            1210        SI-1
SYS12/SYS           1280        SI-1
SYS5/SYS            1280        SI-1
SYS13/SYS           1024        SI-1
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Disk OK 256 K
CH01.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
93 K
CH02.DMK Floppy image for eprom 390
Disk label: BOOTSTRAPPING NE-DOS - 23/01/82

Video card LX.529 and alphanumeric keyboard LX.387 are required.
To be used with eprom 390.

Included software permits to boot NE-DOS v.2.1 using eprom 390 instead of 1390.
128 bytes per sector
17 sectors per track
40 tracks
Disk OK 256 K
CH02.IMD Floppy image for eprom 390 3 K
CH03.DMK Floppy image for eprom 390
Disk label: BASIC 5.5 K

Video card LX.529 and alphanumeric keyboard LX.387 are required.
To be used with eprom 390.

This disk contains FORMAT/BASIC/DUP software to use 5.5K basic with eprom 390.
128 bytes per sector
17 sectors per track
40 tracks
Disk OK 256 K
CH03.IMD Floppy image for eprom 390 10 K
CH04.DMK Floppy image for eprom 390
Disk label: TEST

Video card LX.529 and alphanumeric keyboard LX.387 are required.
To be used with eprom 390.

This disk contains computer test software, as explained in the article COME ESPANDERE LA MEMORIA NEL COMPUTER.
128 bytes per sector
17 sectors per track
40 tracks
Disk OK 256 K
CH04.IMD Floppy image for eprom 390 87 K
CH05.DMK Floppy image for eprom 390
Disk label: COPPIA BASIC 5.5 K - 0,5,1,80 EPROM 1.0

Video card LX.529 and alphanumeric keyboard LX.387 are required.
To be used with eprom 390.

This disk should be CH03.DMK (or CH03.IMD) copy. The meaning of numbers on disk label is unknown.
128 bytes per sector
17 sectors per track
40 tracks
Disk OK 256 K
CH05.IMD Floppy image for eprom 390 12 K
CH06A.DMK NE-DOS floppy image
Disk label: none

Video card LX.529 and alphanumeric keyboard LX.387 are required.

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS             768    SI-1
SYS6/SYS            3361    SI-1
FORMAT/CMD          3840    -I-1
BASIC/CMD           4983    -I-1
EPROMV1/CIM         1056    ---0
FILLETO             2124    ---0
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-1
SYS7/SYS           13568    SI-1
GRAFIC               366    ---0
AGENTA              3323    ---0
AMMINST             5212    ---0
WRITE/CIM             64    ---0
COPY/CMD            1280    -I-1
CASSETA              239    ---0
SYS0/SYS            3328    SI-1
GIOCO                284    ---0
SYS1/SYS            1166    SI-1
SYS2/SYS            1076    SI-1
DISKTEST/CMD        3328    -I-0
CASA                 163    ---0
CALCOLO              320    ---0
READ/CIM              50    ---0
SYS3/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS11/SYS           1276    SI-1
SYS4/SYS            1210    SI-1
SYS12/SYS           1280    SI-1
LUC                 3731    ---0
TAPE/CIM             534    ---0
SYS5/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS13/SYS           1024    SI-1
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Disk OK 256 K
CH06A.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
75 K
CH06B.DMK NE-DOS floppy image
Disk label: none

Video card LX.529 and alphanumeric keyboard LX.387 are required.

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-6
OPEN                  88    ---0
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-5
TAPE/TXT            3830    ---0
CASE                 163    ---0
AMMINIST            5212    ---0
SPCON               1280    ---0
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Tracks 5, 13 unreadable 256 K
CH06B.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
23 K
CH07A.DMK NE-DOS floppy image

Video card LX.529 and alphanumeric keyboard LX.387 are required.

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS6/SYS            3361    SI-1
FORMAT/CMD          3840    -I-1
MOSTRA               159    ---0
BASIC/CMD           4983    -I-1
LUC                 5629    ---0
LISTINO             3116    ---0
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-1
SYS7/SYS           13312    SI-1
FILLETO             2124    ---0
GRAFIC               366    ---0
AGENDA              3764    ---0
EPROMV1/CMD         1056    ---0
COPY/CMD            1277    -I-1
EPROM392/CMD        1056    ---0
SYS0/SYS            3328    SI-1
FAT                   92    ---0
ARDISCHI            4811    ---0
DISCHI              3072    ---0
PROG               19468    ---0
SYS1/SYS            1166    SI-1
SYS2/SYS            1076    SI-1
SYS3/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS11/SYS           1276    SI-1
SYS4/SYS            1210    SI-1
SYS12/SYS           1280    SI-1
SYS5/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS13/SYS            777    SI-1
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Track 28 unreadable 256 K
CH07A.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
91 K
CH07B.DMK NE-DOS floppy image

Video card LX.529 and alphanumeric keyboard LX.387 are required.

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-6
PROVA                 35    ---0
ARDISCHI            4811    ---0
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-5
SUPERZAP           12901    ---0
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Disk OK 256 K
CH07B.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
21 K
CH08A.DMK NE-DOS floppy image
Disk label: SENZA DOS

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-1
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Track 6 unreadable 256 K
CH08A.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
75 K
CH08B.DMK NE-DOS floppy image
Disk label: SENZA DOS

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-6
DAMA                2027    ---0
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-5
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Disk OK 256 K
CH08B.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
5 K
CH09A.DMK NE-DOS floppy image
Disk label: EPROM'S

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-1
DISCO               2816    ---0
PROVA/CMD             46    ---0
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-1
CAMBIO               768    ---0
CONDOR               189    ---0
TEXT                 224    ---0
COLPA                190    ---0
EPROM390/CMD        1056    ---0
PR                   238    ---0
ARDISCHI            4854    ---0
RECORD               361    ---0
INPUT                823    ---0
INP                  778    ---0
BINARIO              896    ---0
EPROM393/CMD        1057    ---0
ORA/CMD               32    ---0
ALFA                 615    ---0
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Tracks 0, 15, 26, 29 unreadable 256 K
CH09A.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
64 K
CH09B.DMK NE-DOS floppy image
Disk label: EPROM'S

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-6
EPROM390/CMD        1056    ---0
ARDISCHI            4871    ---0
ADJUST               269    ---0
ASC                  173    ---0
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-5
SUB                  163    ---0
LOAD                 202    ---0
MAIUSCOL             464    ---0
LEDROSSO             130    ---0
EP390/CMD           1057    ---0
EPROM393/CMD        1057    ---0
DISCO               2304    ---0
ORA/TXT              958    ---0
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Tracks 3, 5, 20 unreadable 256 K
CH09B.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
20 K
CH10A.DMK NE-DOS floppy image
Disk label: none

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-1
ANAFOR/DAT           256    ---0
CONTAC/DAT             0    ---0
AGENDA              3764    ---0
DATI                   0    ---0
MAGAZ               7453    ---0
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-1
ART/RND             6400    ---0
MOD                 1888    ---0
HEX                 1738    ---0
GESTIONE            6690    ---0
CAS1                 474    ---0
CONTVE/DAT           256    ---0
ANACLI/DAT           256    ---0
ALFA                 175    ---0
TRAS/CMD             389    ---0
GIMCANA             1712    ---0
LIFE                1116    ---0
OSTACOLI            1184    ---0
MASTAC/DAT           256    ---0
MASTVE/DAT           256    ---0
GRHEX               1800    ---0
ADJCLOCK             308    ---0
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Tracks 12, 15, 20, 24 unreadable 256 K
CH10A.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
83 K
CH10B.DMK NE-DOS floppy image
Disk label: none

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS             768    SI-1
MENU                 704    ---0
CONTAB1            15994    ---0
MENU1               2127    ---0
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-1
CONTAB3            10125    ---0
MAGAZ               7402    ---0
STAMPA              2271    ---0
DATA                 512    ---0
RECUP                462    ---0
CERCA               2292    ---0
AGG                 1521    ---0
SORGA               1573    ---0
LISTA                674    ---0
INDEX                 80    ---0
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Tracks 14, 30 unreadable 256 K
CH10B.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
98 K
CH14A.DMK NE-DOS floppy image
Disk label: SUPERZAP

It contains the following files:
Filename           Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            768    SI-1
SYS6/SYS           3361    SI-1
FORMAT/CMD         3840    -I-1
MOSTRA              159    ---0
BASIC/CMD          4983    -I-1
MOSTRA1             235    ---0
LUCAMOST            542    ---0
DIR/SYS            2560    SI-1
SYS7/SYS          13568    SI-1
DISKTEST/CMD       3328    -I-1
ELIZA              5662    ---0
RALLY              2651    ---0
SUPERZAP          12901    ---0
COPY/CMD           1280    -I-1
DATA                512    ---0
SYS0/SYS           3328    SI-1
INDEX                86    ---0
ADF                 139    ---0
DIDA                265    ---0
SYS1/SYS           1166    SI-1
SYS2/SYS           1076    SI-1
DIDA1                71    ---0
SYS3/SYS           1280    SI-1
SYS11/SYS          1276    SI-1
ARC/DAT               3    ---0
SYS4/SYS           1210    SI-1
SYS12/SYS          1280    SI-1
SYS5/SYS           1280    SI-1
SYS13/SYS          1024    SI-1
DATABASE           8265    ---0
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Track 30 unreadable 256 K
CH14A.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
97 K
CH14B.DMK NE-DOS floppy image
Disk label: SUPERZAP

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-6
ADA1                 247    ---0
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-5
DATABASE            8256    ---0
ALFABET              299    ---0
SUPERZAP           12901    ---0
CONTAB1              512    ---0
BIORITMI            4609    ---0
ADA                  256    ---0
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Tracks 0, 22 unreadable 256 K
CH14B.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
66 K
CH15A.DMK NE-DOS floppy image
Disk label: GEST-CONT MOD

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS             768    SI-1
SYS6/SYS            3361    SI-1
FORMAT/CMD          3840    -I-1
MENU                 888    ---0
DATABASE            7910    ---0
BASIC/CMD           4983    -I-1
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-1
SYS7/SYS           13568    SI-1
DISKTEST/CMD        3328    -I-1
CONTAB1            18126    ---0
COPY/CMD            1280    -I-1
SYS0/SYS            3328    SI-1
SYS1/SYS            1166    SI-1
SYS2/SYS            1076    SI-1
CONTAB3            10518    ---0
SYS3/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS11/SYS           1276    SI-1
SYS4/SYS            1210    SI-1
SYS12/SYS           1280    SI-1
SYS5/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS13/SYS           1024    SI-1
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Disk OK 256 K
CH15A.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
96 K
CH15B.DMK NE-DOS floppy image
Disk label: GEST-CONT MOD

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-6
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-5
CONTVE/DAT           512    ---0
EDTASM/CMD          8192    ---0
INDEX                140    ---0
ARC/DAT               28    ---0
CONTAC/DAT          1024    ---0
ANACLI/DAT           256    ---0
ANAFOR/DAT           768    ---0
MENU                 525    ---0
MASTAC/DAT           256    ---0
DATABASE           11003    ---0
PRINTER              580    ---0
MASTVE/DAT           256    ---0
DATA                 768    ---0
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Disk OK 256 K
CH15B.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
31 K
CH16A.DMK NE-DOS floppy image
Disk label: none

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS6/SYS            3361    SI-1
BASIC/CMD           4983    -I-1
MENU                 523    ---0
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-1
SYS7/SYS           13568    SI-1
CONTVE/DAT             0    ---0
SORGA               1573    ---0
CERCA               2292    ---0
STAMPA              2271    ---0
RECUP                462    ---0
SYS0/SYS            3328    SI-1
AGG                 1521    ---0
LISTA                674    ---0
SYS1/SYS            1166    SI-1
SYS2/SYS            1076    SI-1
SYS3/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS11/SYS           1276    SI-1
SYS4/SYS            1210    SI-1
SYS12/SYS           1280    SI-1
SYS5/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS13/SYS           1024    SI-1
CONTAB1             5120    ---0
CONTAB3             9216    ---0
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Tracks 14, 35, 37 unreadable 256 K
CH16A.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
92 K
CH16B.DMK NE-DOS floppy image
Disk label: none

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-6
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-5
CONTAC/DAT           256    ---0
CONTAB3            10125    ---0
MASTVE/DAT           256    ---0
ANAFOR/DAT           256    ---0
MASTAC/DAT           256    ---0
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Tracks 5, 8 unreadable 256 K
CH16B.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
20 K
CH19A.DMK NE-DOS floppy image
Disk label: none

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-6
DATA                1280    ---0
INDEX                214    ---0
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-5
MOD                  149    ---0
DATABASE/GR         8265    ---0
ARC/DAT                3    ---0
CONTAB3            10447    ---0
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Track 0 unreadable 256 K
CH19A.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
37 K
CH19B.DMK NE-DOS floppy image
Disk label: none

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-6
PROG               19468    ---0
DATABASE            8265    ---0
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-5
INDEX1               148    ---0
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Disk OK 256 K
CH19B.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
34 K
CH21A.DMK NE-DOS floppy image
Disk label: none

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS6/SYS            3361    SI-1
FORMAT/CMD          3840    -I-1
BASIC/CMD            768    -I-1
MAGAZZIN/CIM         760    ---0
MAGX                3376    ---0
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-1
SYS7/SYS           13312    SI-1
COPY/CMD            1277    -I-1
SYS0/SYS            3328    SI-1
SYS1/SYS            1166    SI-1
SYS2/SYS            1076    SI-1
SYS3/SYS        16776960    SI-1
SYS11/SYS           1276    SI-1
SYS4/SYS            1210    SI-1
SYS12/SYS           1280    SI-1
SYS5/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS13/SYS            777    SI-1
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Disk OK 256 K
CH21A.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
68 K
CH21B.DMK NE-DOS floppy image
Disk label: none

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-6
PROVA                 91    ---0
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-5
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Disk OK 256 K
CH21B.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
3 K
CH22A.DMK NE-DOS floppy image

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS             768    SI-1
SYS6/SYS            3361    SI-1
DATABASE            7308    ---0
ANACLI/DAT             0    ---0
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-1
SYS7/SYS           16384    SI-1
CONTAB1/GR         20225    ---0
POPI                 231    ---0
MENU/GR             1371    ---0
SYS1/SYS            1166    SI-1
MENU1               1615    ---0
MENU2               1615    ---0
SYS2/SYS            1076    SI-1
CONTAB3            10528    ---0
CONTVE/DAT             0    ---0
CONTAC/DAT           256    ---0
SYS3/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS11/SYS           1276    SI-1
MASTVE/DAT             0    ---0
SYS4/SYS            1210    SI-1
SYS12/SYS           1280    SI-1
SYS5/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS13/SYS           1024    SI-1
ANAFOR/DAT           256    ---0
MASTAC/DAT           256    ---0
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Disk OK 256 K
CH22A.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
87 K
CH22B.DMK NE-DOS floppy image

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS             768    SI-1
SYS6/SYS            3361    SI-1
DATABASE            7308    ---0
ADJOLD               795    ---0
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-1
SYS7/SYS           13568    SI-1
CONTAB1/GR         19984    ---0
DATA                1280    ---0
MENU/GR             1371    ---0
SYS1/SYS            1166    SI-1
PAR                  165    ---0
INP3                 404    ---0
SYS2/SYS            1076    SI-1
CONTAB3            10518    ---0
SYS3/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS11/SYS           1276    SI-1
INDEX                314    ---0
ARC/DAT               30    ---0
SYS4/SYS            1210    SI-1
SYS12/SYS           1280    SI-1
ANAFOR/DAT           512    ---0
INP1                 478    ---0
PAR1                 312    ---0
SYS5/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS13/SYS           1024    SI-1
PIPPO                  0    ---0
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Track 39 unreadable 256 K
CH22B.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
97 K
CH23A.DMK NE-DOS floppy image
Disk label: DSK/TXT - MOZART/TXT

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-6
LINE1                205    ---0
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-5
MOZART/TXT          1895    ---0
DSK/TXT            14487    ---0
MUSIC/CIM            622    ---0
MOZART/BAS           334    ---0
MOZART/CMD           256    ---0
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Disk OK 256 K
CH23A.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
47 K
CH23B.DMK NE-DOS floppy image
Disk label: DSK/TXT - MOZART/TXT

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-6
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-5
MUSIC/CIM            622    ---0
MOZART/CMD           256    ---0
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Disk OK 256 K
CH23B.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
15 K
CH24A.DMK NE-DOS floppy image
Disk label: DOS GRAPHIC - VERSION 3.1

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS6/SYS            3361    SI-1
PRINTER/BAS          627    ---0
COPY/CMD            1268    -I-1
FORMAT/CMD          3450    -I-1
BASIC/CMD           6144    -I-1
DIRCHECK/CMD        3584    -I-1
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-1
SYS7/SYS           16384    SI-1
SUPERDEB           14345    -I-0
ADJOLD               795    -I-0
DISKPRIN            2180    -I-0
SYS0/SYS            3328    SI-1
EDTASM/CMD          8192    -I-1
SYS1/SYS            1280    SI-1
DISKMAP/CMD         1516    -I-1
DISASSEM/CMD        5376    -I-1
SYS2/SYS            1076    SI-1
LMOFFSET/CMD        1792    -I-1
SYS3/SYS             944    SI-1
SYS11/SYS           1536    SI-1
PROVA                117    ---0
SYS4/SYS            1210    SI-1
SYS12/SYS           1280    SI-1
SYS5/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS13/SYS           1024    SI-1
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Disk OK 256 K
CH24A.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
99 K
CH24B.DMK NE-DOS floppy image
Disk label:DOS GRAPHIC - VERSION 3.1

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-6
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-5
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Disk OK 256 K
CH24B.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
7 K
CH26A.DMK NE-DOS floppy image
Disk label: none

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-6
LEZ15              12620    ---0
LEZ15B             12635    ---0
LEZ15C              4919    ---0
LEZ16              10210    ---0
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-5
LEZ16B             11409    ---0
LEZ17              10207    ---0
LEZ17B             10873    ---0
ALA                 1277    ---0
STAT1                487    ---0
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Tracks 16, 21, 25, 30, 31 unreadable 256 K
CH26A.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
69 K
CH26B.DMK NE-DOS floppy image
Disk label: none

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-6
HEX/GR              1814    ---0
SUB                  793    ---0
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-5
ASSE                 211    ---0
GRAPH/BAS            625    ---0
DATABASE/GR         2157    ---0
NUM                  154    ---0
LABIR               1306    ---0
RICCHR               161    ---0
MONDO                491    ---0

GRAFICO              304    ---0
VOCCI/DAT             30    ---0
VER                  935    ---0
ISTR                2416    ---0
Z80                 1055    ---0
FILLETO/GR          2932    ---0
RICMEM                77    ---0
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Track 9 unreadable 256 K
CH26B.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
42 K
CH27A.DMK NE-DOS floppy image
Disk label: none

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-6
LEZ11B             12484    ---0
LEZ14              10012    ---0
LEZ11              12737    ---0
LEZ12              11340    ---0
LEZ14B             12889    ---0
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-5
LEZ13B             10460    ---0
MOZART/TXT          1250    ---0
MUSIC/CIM            622    ---0
LEZ12B             11368    ---0
ARDISCHI               0    ---0
LEZ13              11429    ---0
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Tracks 5, 10, 14, 24, 32, 38 unreadable 256 K
CH27A.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
85 K
CH27B.DMK NE-DOS floppy image
Disk label: none

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS6/SYS            3361    SI-1
PRINTER/BAS          627    ---0
COPY/CMD            1268    -I-1
FORMAT/CMD          3450    -I-1
BASIC/CMD           6144    -I-1
DIRCHECK/CMD        3584    -I-1
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-1
SYS7/SYS           16384    SI-1
FREP                1341    ---0
MOZART/CMD           256    ---0
SYS0/SYS            3328    SI-1
COMANDI              263    ---0
SUB4DIG              164    ---0
EDTASM/CMD          8192    -I-1
COR                 4854    ---0
SYS1/SYS            1280    SI-1
DISKMAP/CMD         1516    -I-1
ADJOLD               222    ---0
ARDISCHI/GR         4854    ---0
SYS2/SYS            1076    SI-1
FREP1                949    ---0
SYS3/SYS             944    SI-1
SYS11/SYS           1536    SI-1
DISCO                256    ---0
PROVA                117    ---0
SYS4/SYS            1210    SI-1
SYS12/SYS           1280    SI-1
SYS5/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS13/SYS           1024    SI-1
AS                   263    ---0
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Disk OK 256 K
CH27B.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
100 K
CH28A.DMK NE-DOS floppy image
Disk label: BACKUP - ORIGINALE (25)

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS6/SYS            3361    SI-1
PRINTER/BAS          627    ---0
COPY/CMD            1268    -I-1
FORMAT/CMD          3450    -I-1
BASIC/CMD           6144    -I-1
DIRCHECK/CMD        3584    -I-1
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-1
SYS7/SYS           16384    SI-1
SUPERDEB           14204    ---0
DISKPRIN            2180    ---0
SYS0/SYS            3328    SI-1
EDTASM/CMD          8192    -I-1
SYS1/SYS            1280    SI-1
DISKMAP/CMD         1516    -I-1
DISASSEM/CMD        5376    -I-1
SYS2/SYS            1076    SI-1
LMOFFSET/CMD        1792    -I-1
SYS3/SYS             944    SI-1
SYS11/SYS           1536    SI-1
PROVA                117    ---0
SYS4/SYS            1210    SI-1
SYS12/SYS           1280    SI-1
SYS5/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS13/SYS           1024    SI-1
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Disk OK 256 K
CH28A.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
100 K
CH28B.DMK NE-DOS floppy image
Disk label: BACKUP - ORIGINALE (25)

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-6
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-5
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Disk OK 256 K
CH28B.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
3 K
CH29A.DMK NE-DOS floppy image

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-6
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-5
DISTRUCT            1018    ---0
INP3                 482    ---0
INP1                 478    ---0
ISTR                2416    ---0
INP                  574    ---0
ROUDIR               233    ---0
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Disk OK 256 K
CH29A.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
10 K
CH29B.DMK NE-DOS floppy image

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-6
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-5
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Tracks 18, 19 unreadable 256 K
CH29B.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
3 K
CH30A.DMK NE-DOS floppy image
Disk label: BACKUP N. 24

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS6/SYS            3361    SI-1
PRINTER/BAS          627    ---0
COPY/CMD            1268    -I-1
FORMAT/CMD          3450    -I-1
BASIC/CMD           6144    -I-1
DIRCHECK/CMD        3584    -I-1
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-1
SYS7/SYS           16384    SI-1
SUPERDEB           14203    -I-0
ADJOLD               795    -I-0
DISKPRIN            2180    -I-0
SYS0/SYS            3328    SI-1
EDTASM/CMD          8192    -I-1
SYS1/SYS            1280    SI-1
DISKMAP/CMD         1516    -I-1
DISASSEM/CMD        5376    -I-1
SYS2/SYS            1076    SI-1
LMOFFSET/CMD        1792    -I-1
SYS3/SYS             944    SI-1
SYS11/SYS           1536    SI-1
PROVA                117    ---0
SYS4/SYS            1210    SI-1
SYS12/SYS           1280    SI-1
SYS5/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS13/SYS           1024    SI-1
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Disk OK 256 K
CH30A.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
99 K
CH30B.DMK NE-DOS floppy image
Disk label: BACKUP N. 24

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-1
CARTE/PTR            310    ---0
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-1
ADJOLD               256    ---0
TEST                 103    ---0
FATTURA             3237    ---0
BUDI/BAS             227    ---0
G1                  5130    ---0
GAME                 391    ---0
GAME/PTR             387    ---0
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Track 39 unreadable 256 K
CH30B.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
96 K
CH31A.DMK NE-DOS floppy image
Disk label: none

It contains the following files:
Filename           Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS           1280    SI-6
PROLOGO            9567    ---0
INDEX              2463    ---0
PARCHI             1086    ---0
DIR/SYS            2560    SI-5
LEZ19B             9957    ---0
LEZ20C             2941    ---0
LEZ19             11457    ---0
LEZ18B            11861    ---0
LEZ18             12678    ---0
LEZ20              8925    ---0
LEZ20B            11591    ---0
WS                  649    ---0
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Tracks 7, 16, 22, 23, 26, 32 unreadable 256 K
CH31A.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
75 K
CH31B.DMK NE-DOS floppy image
Disk label: none

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-6
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-5
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Disk OK 256 K
CH31B.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
3 K
CH32A.DMK NE-DOS floppy image

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS6/SYS            3361    SI-1
FORMAT/CMD          3840    -I-1
CCDM                2236    ---0
BASIC/CMD           4983    -I-1
SCDM                7528    ---0
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-1
SYS7/SYS           13312    SI-1
CDM                12820    ---0
XCDM                1935    ---0
AGENDA               482    ---0
COPY/CMD            1277    -I-1
AGENDAX             1280    ---0
SYS0/SYS            3328    SI-1
AGENDAS1             237    ---0
AGENDAS3             237    ---0
AGENDAS4             237    ---0
AGENDAS5             237    ---0
IS/TXT              3886    ---0
WP/GR               5990    ---0
SYS1/SYS            1166    SI-1
ROBERTO              755    ---0
SYS2/SYS            1076    SI-1
SYS3/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS11/SYS           1276    SI-1
COCCO               4997    ---0
SYS4/SYS            1210    SI-1
SYS12/SYS           1280    SI-1
SYS5/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS13/SYS            777    SI-1
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Disk OK 256 K
CH32A.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
100 K
CH32B.DMK NE-DOS floppy image

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-6
LETTERA             4669    ---0
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-5
PT                   149    ---0
WP/GR               5098    ---0
WORDPRO             4641    ---0
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Disk OK 256 K
CH32B.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
24 K
CH33A.DMK NE-DOS floppy image
Disk label: DIAGNOSTIC

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-6
ADJEASM              123    ---0
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-5
TIMER                689    ---0
DISKPROV             625    ---0
DISKNURS            1404    ---0
INCURS               340    ---0
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Disk OK 256 K
CH33A.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
8 K
CH33B.DMK NE-DOS floppy image
Disk label: DIAGNOSTIC

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-6
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-5
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Disk OK 256 K
CH33B.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
3 K
CH34A.DMK NE-DOS floppy image
Disk label: DOS V 1.3 WP/GR

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS6/SYS            3361    SI-1
COPY/CMD            1268    -I-1
FORMAT/CMD          3450    -I-1
BASIC/CMD           6144    -I-1
DIRCHECK/CMD        3584    -I-1
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-1
SYS7/SYS           16384    SI-1
SUPERDEB           14203    -I-0
WP/GR               6406    ---0
WP1/GR              6107    ---0
ADJOLD               795    -I-0
DISKPRIN            2180    -I-0
SYS0/SYS            3328    SI-1
STAPR                 68    ---0
SYS1/SYS            1280    SI-1
DISKMAP/CMD         1516    -I-1
SYS2/SYS            1076    SI-1
SYS3/SYS             944    SI-1
SYS11/SYS           1536    SI-1
DIRPR                192    ---0
SYS4/SYS            1210    SI-1
SYS12/SYS           1280    SI-1
LATI                 494    ---0
SYS5/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS13/SYS           1024    SI-1
IS/TXT              3886    ---0
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Disk OK 256 K
CH34A.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
100 K
CH34B.DMK NE-DOS floppy image
Disk label: DOS V 1.3 WP/GR

This disk has Track 17 unreadable, so it's not possibile to know its content.
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Track 17 unreadable 256 K
CH34B.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
17 K
CH35A.DMK NE-DOS floppy image
Disk label: none

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS6/SYS            3361    SI-1
COPY/CMD            1268    -I-1
FORMAT/CMD          3450    -I-1
BASIC/CMD           6144    -I-1
ANTINEW/CMD          256    ---0
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-1
SYS7/SYS           16384    SI-1
SYS0/SYS            3328    SI-1
SYS1/SYS            1280    SI-1
WP/GR               5858    ---0
DISKMAP/CMD         1516    -I-1
SYS2/SYS            1076    SI-1
SYS3/SYS             944    SI-1
SYS11/SYS           1536    SI-1
VIDEO               7936    ---0
SYS4/SYS            1210    SI-1
SYS12/SYS           1280    SI-1
SYS5/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS13/SYS           1024    SI-1
ANTINEW/TXT          126    ---0
IS/TXT              3886    ---0
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Track 2 unreadable 256 K
CH35A.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
97 K
CH35B.DMK NE-DOS floppy image
Disk label: none

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS6/SYS            3361    SI-1
COPY/CMD            1280    -I-1
BASTEP              2527    ---0
BASIC/CMD           5632    -I-1
DISBAS              7359    ---0
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-1
SYS7/SYS           16384    SI-1
QSORT3/ASM           589    ---0
SETUP              10774    ---0
DB                 18222    ---0
SYSTCTRL             239    ---0
DBCTRL                73    ---0
MSTRFILE            1280    ---0
SYS0/SYS            3328    SI-1
MSTRINX              256    ---0
INDEX1               512    ---0
INDEX2               512    ---0
ANTINEW              921    ---0
SYS1/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS2/SYS            1076    SI-1
SYS3/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS11/SYS           1276    SI-1
SYS4/SYS            1210    SI-1
SYS12/SYS           1280    SI-1
SYS5/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS13/SYS           1024    SI-1
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Track 0 unreadable 256 K
CH35B.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
97 K
CH36A.DMK NE-DOS floppy image
Disk label: GIOCHI NUOVA ELETTR. - 14/10/83

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS6/SYS            3361    SI-1
COPY/CMD            1268    -I-1
FORMAT/CMD          3450    -I-1
BASIC/CMD           5888    -I-1
STARTREK           16012    ---0
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-1
SYS7/SYS           16384    SI-1
WATCH               1064    ---0
MOVE                 326    ---0
SHAPE/CIM            356    ---0
SHOW/CIM            1056    ---0
SCRIVIDA             971    ---0
DATI                5223    ---0
SYS0/SYS            3328    SI-1
GETSCRIV             354    ---0
LINEENAS             773    ---0
SFORZI              4273    ---0
PROSPETT            2102    ---0
MOSTRA              1057    ---0
LRND                  89    ---0
SYS1/SYS            1280    SI-1
DISKMAP/CMD         1516    -I-1
SYS2/SYS            1076    SI-1
SYS3/SYS             944    SI-1
SYS11/SYS           1536    SI-1
RUBICUBO            5358    ---0
SYS4/SYS            1210    SI-1
SYS12/SYS           1280    SI-1
SYS5/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS13/SYS           1024    SI-1
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Disk OK 256 K
CH36A.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
101 K
CH36B.DMK NE-DOS floppy image
Disk label: GIOCHI NUOVA ELETTR. - 14/10/83

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS6/SYS            3361    SI-1
COPY/CMD            1280    -I-1
FORMAT/CMD          3454    -I-1
BASIC/CMD           5632    -I-1
CC83                1497    ---0
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-1
SYS7/SYS           16384    SI-1
TRIGOFUN            3258    ---0
AEREO               1596    ---0
UGO                 1979    ---0
POKER               3840    ---0
BIORITMI            2623    ---0
MASTERM             1228    ---0
SYS0/SYS            3328    SI-1
INDICE              2232    ---0
CONVERS             1233    ---0
CODICE              3000    ---0
CASSETTE            2765    ---0
MACROCHR            1252    ---0
TESTCALC            1595    ---0
SYS1/SYS            1280    SI-1
CONTOCOR            7186    ---0
SYS2/SYS            1076    SI-1
DISKMAP/CMD         1477    ---0
SYS3/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS11/SYS           1276    SI-1
SYS4/SYS            1210    SI-1
SYS12/SYS           1280    SI-1
SYS5/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS13/SYS           1024    SI-1
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Disk OK 256 K
CH36B.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
101 K
CH37A.DMK NE-DOS floppy image

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS6/SYS            3361    SI-1
COPY/CMD            1280    -I-1
FORMAT/CMD          3454    -I-1
BASIC/CMD           5632    -I-1
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-1
SYS7/SYS           16384    SI-1
CALEIDO              315    ---0
CALENDAR            3902    ---0
SYS0/SYS            3328    SI-1
SYS1/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS2/SYS            1076    SI-1
SYS3/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS11/SYS           1276    SI-1
SYS4/SYS            1210    SI-1
SYS12/SYS           1280    SI-1
SYS5/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS13/SYS           1024    SI-1
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Disk OK 256 K
CH37A.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
74 K
CH37B.DMK NE-DOS floppy image

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-6
VERLAT              4609    ---0
QUINDICI             997    ---0
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-5
CARTE               3057    ---0
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Disk OK 256 K
CH37B.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
14 K
CH38A.DMK NE-DOS floppy image
Disk label: none

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-6
SHOW5/CIM           1056    ---0
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-5
EPA2390/CMD         1057    ---0
TRBLOCK/CIM           26    ---0
SHOW/CIM            1056    ---0
TRBLOCK/TXT          597    ---0
PROVAGRA             256    ---0
ADJSHOW5/BAS         239    ---0
EP2390/CMD          1057    ---0
EPC2390/CMD         1056    ---0
STARTREK           16641    ---0
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Disk OK 256 K
CH38A.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
68 K
CH38B.DMK NE-DOS floppy image
Disk label: none

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-6
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-5
STAMPA                81    ---0
CAMBIO               188    ---0
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Disk OK 256 K
CH38B.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
6 K
CH40A.DMK NE-DOS floppy image
Disk label: none

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS6/SYS            3361    SI-1
PRINTER/BAS          627    ---0
COPY/CMD            1268    -I-1
FORMAT/CMD          3450    -I-1
BASIC/CMD           5888    -I-1
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-1
SYS7/SYS           16384    SI-1
SYS0/SYS            3328    SI-1
SYS1/SYS            1280    SI-1
DISKMAP/CMD         1516    -I-1
SYS2/SYS            1076    SI-1
SYS3/SYS             944    SI-1
SYS11/SYS           1536    SI-1
SYS4/SYS            1210    SI-1
SYS12/SYS           1280    SI-1
SYS5/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS13/SYS           1024    SI-1
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Disk OK 256 K
CH40A.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
100 K
CH40B.DMK NE-DOS floppy image
Disk label: none

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS6/SYS            3361    SI-1
COPY/CMD            1280    -I-1
FORMAT/CMD          3454    -I-1
BASIC/CMD           5632    -I-1
AT2                 5625    ---0
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-1
SYS7/SYS           16384    SI-1
OTHELLO             7155    ---0
GRAPHIC             4584    ---0
ESA/ASC             1310    ---0
CAMMELLO            4749    ---0
SYS0/SYS            3328    SI-1
SYS1/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS2/SYS            1076    SI-1
DISKMAP/CMD         1477    -I-0
SYS3/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS11/SYS           1276    SI-1
SYS4/SYS            1210    SI-1
SYS12/SYS           1280    SI-1
SYS5/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS13/SYS           1024    SI-1
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Disk OK 256 K
CH40B.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
101 K
CH41A.DMK NE-DOS floppy image
Disk label: ALLARA

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-6
INF                    0    ---0
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-5
TOINF                  6    ---0
ALLARA              5912    ---0
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Disk OK 256 K
CH41A.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
13 K
CH41B.DMK NE-DOS floppy image
Disk label: ALLARA

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-6
ARCHIVIO            1280    ---0
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-5
COST3                512    ---0
MICROGEN            1242    ---0
COPPIA/ALL          5912    ---0
PIGRECO              579    ---0
COST2                256    ---0
INDICE               512    ---0
COST1                  6    ---0
INF                    7    ---0
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Disk OK 256 K
CH41B.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
21 K
CH42A.DMK NE-DOS floppy image
Disk label: none

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS             768    SI-1
SYS6/SYS            3361    SI-1
FORMAT/CMD          3840    -I-1
DISASSEM/CMD        5376    ---0
BASIC/CMD           4983    -I-1
SUPERDEB           12901    ---0
BIORITMI            4195    ---0
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-1
SYS7/SYS           13568    SI-1
DISKTEST/CMD        3328    -I-1
PRAXIS              1188    ---0
GIMCANA             1712    ---0
COPY/CMD            1280    -I-1
SYS0/SYS            3328    SI-1
FILLETO             2124    ---0
SYS1/SYS            1166    SI-1
DAMA                2027    ---0
EDTASM/CMD          8192    ---0
Z80                 1055    ---0
SYS2/SYS            1076    SI-1
FIL1                2935    ---0
SYS3/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS11/SYS           1276    SI-1
ELIZA                  0    ---0
SYS4/SYS            1210    SI-1
SYS12/SYS           1280    SI-1
SYS5/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS13/SYS           1024    SI-1
OSTACOLI            1184    ---0
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Disk OK 256 K
CH42A.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
97 K
CH42B.DMK NE-DOS floppy image
Disk label: none

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-6
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-5
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Disk OK 256 K
CH42B.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
4 K
CH45A.DMK NE-DOS floppy image
Disk label: ROUPAGE/TXT

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size     Att
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS6/SYS            3361    SI-1
COPY/CMD            1268    -I-1
FORMAT/CMD          3450    -I-1
BASIC/CMD           6144    -I-1
DIRCHECK/CMD        3584    -I-1
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-1
SYS7/SYS           16384    SI-1
MOZART/CMD           256    ---0
LMOFFSET/CMD        1792    -I-0
MUSIC/CIM            622    ---0
SYS0/SYS            3328    SI-1
EDTASM/CMD          8192    -I-1
SYS1/SYS            1280    SI-1
CURS/BAS             298    -I-0
DISKMAP/CMD         1516    -I-1
DISASSEM/CMD        5376    -I-1
SYS2/SYS            1076    SI-1
PAGE/CMD             256    ---0
ROUCURS/TXT          743    ---0
SYS3/SYS             944    SI-1
SYS11/SYS           1536    SI-1
CURS/CMD             256    -I-0
SYS4/SYS            1210    SI-1
SYS12/SYS           1280    SI-1
ROUPAGE/TXT         2532    ---0
SYS5/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS13/SYS           1024    SI-1
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Track 31 unreadable 256 K
CH45A.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
96 K
CH45B.DMK NE-DOS floppy image
Disk label: ROUPAGE/TXT

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-6
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-5
ROUPAGE/TXT         2532    ---0
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Disk OK 256 K
CH45B.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
11 K
CH50A.DMK NE-DOS floppy image

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS6/SYS            3361    SI-1
ROUPAGE/TXT         4699    ---0
COPY/CMD            1268    -I-1
FORMAT/CMD          3450    -I-1
BASIC/CMD           6144    -I-1
DIRCHECK/CMD        3584    -I-1
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-1
SYS7/SYS           16384    SI-1
LMOFFSET/CMD        1792    -I-0
PAGE/CMD             256    -I-0
SYS0/SYS            3328    SI-1
EDTASM/CMD          8192    -I-1
SYS1/SYS            1280    SI-1
CURS/BAS             298    -I-0
DISKMAP/CMD         1516    -I-1
SDB                14533    -I-0
DISASSEM/CMD        5376    -I-1
SYS2/SYS            1076    SI-1
ROUCURS/TXT          743    ---0
SYS3/SYS             944    SI-1
SYS11/SYS           1536    SI-1
CURS/CMD             256    -I-0
SYS4/SYS            1210    SI-1
SYS12/SYS           1280    SI-1
SYS5/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS13/SYS           1024    SI-1
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Disk OK 256 K
CH50A.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
100 K
CH50B.DMK NE-DOS floppy image

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-6
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-5
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Disk OK 256 K
CH50B.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
3 K
CH51A.DMK NE-DOS floppy image
Disk label: MENU/GR CONTAB3 - CONTAB1/GR - DATABASE 01/09/84

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS6/SYS            3361    SI-1
COPY/CMD            1268    -I-1
FORMAT/CMD          3450    -I-1
BASIC/CMD           6144    -I-1
DIRCHECK/CMD        3584    -I-1
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-1
SYS7/SYS           16384    SI-1
MENU/GR             1460    ---0
PIPPO                256    ---0
SYS0/SYS            3328    SI-1
DATABASE            7308    ---0
SYS1/SYS            1280    SI-1
DISKMAP/CMD         1516    -I-1
SYS2/SYS            1076    SI-1
SYS3/SYS             944    SI-1
SYS11/SYS           1536    SI-1
CONTAB3            10348    ---0
SYS4/SYS            1210    SI-1
SYS12/SYS           1280    SI-1
CONTAB1/GR         20549    ---0
SYS5/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS13/SYS           1024    SI-1
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Disk OK 256 K
CH51A.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
101 K
CH51B.DMK NE-DOS floppy image
Disk label: MENU/GR CONTAB3 - CONTAB1/GR - DATABASE 01/09/84

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-6
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-5
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Tracks 38, 39 unreadable 256 K
CH51B.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
14 K
CH52.DMK NE-DOS floppy image
Disk label: WP - ACCEPT1/CIM

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS6/SYS            3361    SI-1
TECNOT/DOC          1798    ---0
COPY/CMD            1268    -I-1
BASIC/CMD           6144    -I-1
DIRCHECK/CMD        3584    -I-1
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-1
SYS7/SYS           16384    SI-1
TECNOT/TXT          1610    ---0
PAGE/CMD             256    ---0
SYS0/SYS            3328    SI-1
ASD/DOC             6013    ---0
SYS1/SYS            1280    SI-1
DISKMAP/CMD         1516    -I-1
ASD/TXT             5815    ---0
SYS2/SYS            1076    SI-1
WP                  7061    ---0
SYS3/SYS             944    SI-1
SYS11/SYS           1536    SI-1
ACCEPT1/CIM         1008    ---0
SYS4/SYS            1210    SI-1
SYS12/SYS           1280    SI-1
SYS5/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS13/SYS           1024    SI-1
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Disk OK 256 K
CH52.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
101 K
CH53A.DMK NE-DOS floppy image
Disk label: F

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-6
AD1                 5684    ---0
WS                  8050    ---0
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-5
PAS                  137    ---0
PAS1                 289    ---0
AD                  5684    ---0
HASH                 148    ---0
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Disk OK 256 K
CH53A.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
30 K
CH53B.DMK NE-DOS floppy image
Disk label: F

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-6
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-5
ARC                97280    ---0
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Disk OK 256 K
CH53B.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
9 K
CH54.DMK NE-DOS floppy image
Disk label: none

Disk apparently unreadable
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Tracks 0, 1, 2 unreadable 256 K
CH54.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
32 K
CH55A.DMK NE-DOS floppy image
Disk label: none

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-6
PIPPO                768    ---0
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-5
CONTVE/DAT           256    ---0
ANAFOR/DAT           256    ---0
CODATT/DAT            80    ---0
ANACLI/DAT           256    ---0
MASTAC/DAT           256    ---0
CODPAS/DAT            98    ---0
MASTVE/DAT           256    ---0
CONTAC/DAT           256    ---0
CODICI               201    ---0
MODDOS               332    ---0
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Track 20 unreadable 256 K
CH55A.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
27 K
CH55B.DMK NE-DOS floppy image
Disk label: none

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-6
GROVIGLI            2456    ---0
MENU/GR             1622    ---0
TEL                  551    ---0
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-5
TELEFO1              216    ---0
TELEFONO             224    ---0
TOTOCALC            5540    ---0
DATABASE            7474    ---0
CONTAB1/GR         20700    ---0
CONTAB3            10345    ---0
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Disk OK 256 K
CH55B.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
56 K
CH56.DMK NE-DOS floppy image

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS6/SYS            3361    SI-1
PRINTER/BAS          627    ---0
COPY/CMD            1268    -I-1
FORMAT/CMD          3450    -I-1
BASIC/CMD           5888    -I-1
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-1
SYS7/SYS           16384    SI-1
EDTASM/CMD          8192    ---0
SYS0/SYS            3328    SI-1
SYS1/SYS            1280    SI-1
DISKMAP/CMD         1516    -I-1
SYS2/SYS            1076    SI-1
SYS3/SYS             944    SI-1
SYS11/SYS           1536    SI-1
SYS4/SYS            1210    SI-1
SYS12/SYS           1280    SI-1
DISASSEM/CMD        5376    ---0
SYS5/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS13/SYS           1024    SI-1
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
41 tracks
Tracks 10, 29 unreadable 256 K
CH56.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
95 K
CH57A.DMK NE-DOS floppy image
Disk label: none

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS6/SYS            3361    SI-1
PRINTER/BAS          627    ---0
COPY/CMD            1268    -I-1
FORMAT/CMD          3450    -I-1
BASIC/CMD           5888    -I-1
PROVA                 44    ---0
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-1
SYS7/SYS           16384    SI-1
LUCA1               9088    ---0
PROVA1                44    ---0
PAS                 5863    ---0
SYS0/SYS            3328    SI-1
SYS1/SYS            1280    SI-1
DISKMAP/CMD         1516    -I-1
SYS2/SYS            1076    SI-1
COSTAS              8998    ---0
SYS3/SYS             944    SI-1
SYS11/SYS           1536    SI-1
SYS4/SYS            1210    SI-1
SYS12/SYS           1280    SI-1
SYS5/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS13/SYS           1024    SI-1
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Disk OK 256 K
CH57A.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
101 K
CH57B.DMK NE-DOS floppy image
Disk label: none

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-6
WPNUOVO             8998    ---0
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-5
COSTAS2             9010    ---0
TESTO1               150    ---0
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Disk OK 256 K
CH57B.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
22 K
CH58A.DMK NE-DOS floppy image

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS6/SYS            3361    SI-1
PRINTER/BAS          627    ---0
COPY/CMD            1268    -I-1
FORMAT/CMD          3450    -I-1
BASIC/CMD           5888    -I-1
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-1
SYS7/SYS           16384    SI-1
CONTAB1/GR         20722    ---0
SYS0/SYS            3328    SI-1
SYS1/SYS            1280    SI-1
DISKMAP/CMD            0    -I-1
CONTAB3            10518    ---0
SYS2/SYS            1076    SI-1
SYS3/SYS             944    SI-1
SYS11/SYS           1536    SI-1
MENU/GR             1622    ---0
SYS4/SYS            1210    SI-1
SYS12/SYS           1280    SI-1
SYS5/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS13/SYS           1024    SI-1
DATABASE            7474    ---0
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Disk OK 256 K
CH58A.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
101 K
CH58B.DMK NE-DOS floppy image

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-6
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-5
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Disk OK 256 K
CH58B.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
3 K
CH59A.DMK NE-DOS floppy image
Disk label: none

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS6/SYS            3361    SI-1
COPY/CMD            1268    -I-1
FORMAT/CMD          3450    -I-1
BASIC/CMD           6144    -I-1
DIRCHECK/CMD        3584    -I-1
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-1
SYS7/SYS           16384    SI-1
SUPERDEB           14315    -I-0
ESE                  334    ---0
ROUVIDEO/ASM        2691    ---0
SYS0/SYS            3328    SI-1
EDTASM/CMD          8192    -I-1
SYS1/SYS            1280    SI-1
DISKMAP/CMD         1516    -I-1
DISASSEM/CMD        5376    -I-1
SYS2/SYS            1076    SI-1
ROUVIDEO/TXT        2708    ---0
CURS/CMD             256    ---0
SYS3/SYS             944    SI-1
SYS11/SYS           1536    SI-1
SYS4/SYS            1210    SI-1
SYS12/SYS           1280    SI-1
SYS5/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS13/SYS           1024    SI-1
RICERCA               63    ---0
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Disk OK 256 K
CH59A.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
100 K
CH59B.DMK NE-DOS floppy image
Disk label: none

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-6
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-5
ROUCURS/TXT          743    ---0
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Disk OK 256 K
CH59B.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
4 K
CH60.DMK NE-DOS floppy image

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS6/SYS            3361    SI-1
PRINTER/BAS          627    ---0
COPY/CMD            1268    -I-1
FORMAT/CMD          3450    -I-1
BASIC/CMD           5888    -I-1
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-1
SYS7/SYS           16384    SI-1
SYS0/SYS            3328    SI-1
SYS1/SYS            1280    SI-1
DISKMAP/CMD         1516    -I-1
SYS2/SYS            1076    SI-1
SYS3/SYS             944    SI-1
SYS11/SYS           1536    SI-1
SYS4/SYS            1210    SI-1
SYS12/SYS           1280    SI-1
SYS5/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS13/SYS           1024    SI-1
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Disk OK 256 K
CH60.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
100 K
CH61A.DMK NE-DOS floppy image

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS6/SYS            3361    SI-1
FORMAT/CMD          3840    -I-1
TXT/TXT            17576    ---0
BASIC/CMD           4983    -I-1
TXT                 1535    ---0
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-1
SYS7/SYS           13312    SI-1
TXT1                 805    ---0
TXT1/TXT           13010    ---0
COPY/CMD            1277    -I-1
TXT/CMD             2877    ---0
SYS0/SYS            3328    SI-1
SYS1/SYS            1166    SI-1
SYS2/SYS            1076    SI-1
SYS3/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS11/SYS           1276    SI-1
SYS4/SYS            1210    SI-1
SYS12/SYS           1280    SI-1
SYS5/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS13/SYS            777    SI-1
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Disk OK 256 K
CH61A.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
100 K
CH61B.DMK NE-DOS floppy image

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size     Attr
BOOT/SYS             768     SI-1
SYS6/SYS            3361     SI-1
FORMAT/CMD          3840     -I-1
MOSTRA               159     ---0
BASIC/CMD           4983     -I-1
WORDPRO             4633     ---0
GESARDIA            6763     ---0
DIR/SYS             2560     SI-1
SYS7/SYS           13568     SI-1
DISKTEST/CMD        3328     -I-1
COPY/CMD            1280     -I-1
SYS0/SYS            3328     SI-1
SYS1/SYS            1166     SI-1
SYS2/SYS            1076     SI-1
SYS3/SYS            1280     SI-1
SYS11/SYS           1276     SI-1
SYS4/SYS            1210     SI-1
SYS12/SYS           1280     SI-1
SYS5/SYS            1280     SI-1
SYS13/SYS           1024     SI-1
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Disk OK 256 K
CH61B.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
68 K
CH62A.DMK NE-DOS floppy image
Disk label: CDM XCDM - CCDM SCDM

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS6/SYS            3361    SI-1
FORMAT/CMD          3840    -I-1
CCDM                2236    ---0
BASIC/CMD           4983    -I-1
SCDM                7528    ---0
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-1
SYS7/SYS           13312    SI-1
CDM                12820    ---0
XCDM                1935    ---0
AGENDA               482    ---0
COPY/CMD            1277    -I-1
AGENDAX             1280    ---0
SYS0/SYS            3328    SI-1
AGENDAS1             237    ---0
AGENDAS3             237    ---0
AGENDAS4             237    ---0
AGENDAS5             237    ---0
SYS1/SYS            1166    SI-1
SYS2/SYS            1076    SI-1
SYS3/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS11/SYS           1276    SI-1
SYS4/SYS            1210    SI-1
SYS12/SYS           1280    SI-1
SYS5/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS13/SYS            777    SI-1
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Disk OK 256 K
CH62A.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
100 K
CH62B.DMK NE-DOS floppy image
Disk label: CDM XCDM - CCDM SCDM

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-6
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-5
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Disk OK 256 K
CH62B.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
5 K
CH63A.DMK NE-DOS floppy image

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS6/SYS            3361    SI-1
COPY/CMD            1268    -I-1
FORMAT/CMD          3450    -I-1
BASIC/CMD           6144    -I-1
DIRCHECK/CMD        3584    -I-1
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-1
SYS7/SYS           16384    SI-1
TASTO2/ASM          7742    ---0
ACCEPT1/CIM         1008    ---0
PACO                 427    ---0
SYS0/SYS            3328    SI-1
PACO                 126    ---0
TASTO2/CIM           418    ---0
SYS1/SYS            1280    SI-1
DISKMAP/CMD         1516    -I-1
SYS2/SYS            1076    SI-1
SYS3/SYS             944    SI-1
SYS11/SYS           1536    SI-1
BAGSH/TXT           3886    ---0
STRING/ASM           207    ---0
SYS4/SYS            1210    SI-1
SYS12/SYS           1280    SI-1
BAGSH/DOC           4022    ---0
TASTO3/ASM          8619    ---0
SYS5/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS13/SYS           1024    SI-1
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Disk OK 256 K
CH63A.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
101 K
CH63B.DMK NE-DOS floppy image

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-6
TASTO1/CIM           493    ---0
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-5
ACCEPT/ASM          3284    ---0
WP                  6602    ---0
ACCEPT/CIM           532    ---0
TASTO1/ASM          9622    ---0
ACCEPT2/ASM        13464    ---0
ACCEPT1/ASM        12557    ---0
ACCEPT2/CIM         1784    ---0
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Track 1 unreadable 256 K
CH63B.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
71 K
CH64A.DMK NE-DOS floppy image

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-6
TASTO/ASM           5230    ---0
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-5
TASTO/CIM            257    ---0
ACCEPT2/CIM         1784    ---0
INPUT                658    ---0
WP                  6602    ---0
ADJTRIM              118    ---0
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Track 10 unreadable 256 K
CH64A.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
45 K
CH64B.DMK NE-DOS floppy image

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-6
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-5
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Disk OK 256 K
CH64B.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
20 K
CH65A.DMK NE-DOS floppy image


This is an original Nuova Elettronica floppy disk. Il lato B è chiaramente non originale.
NOTE: disks 65 and 66, even if they seem the same, are two different physical disks.

It contains the following files:

Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS             768    SI-1
SYS6/SYS            3361    SI-1
LEZ3               13492    ---0
LEZ3B              12405    ---0
LEZ4                9452    ---0
LEZ4B               7669    ---0
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-1
SYS7/SYS           13568    SI-1
LEZ4C              11486    ---0
GESTIONE            6690    ---0
SYS0/SYS            3328    SI-1
SYS1/SYS            1166    SI-1
SYS2/SYS            1076    SI-1
SYS3/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS4/SYS            1210    SI-1
SYS5/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS13/SYS           1024    SI-1
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Disk OK 256 K
CH65A.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
98 K
CH65B.DMK NE-DOS floppy image

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-6
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-5
READIR/CMD           436    ---0
OSTACOLI            1998    ---0
TOTOCALC            5291    ---0
OSTACUNO            2484    ---0
MONICOM/CIM         2055    ---0
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Disk OK 256 K
CH65B.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
17 K
CH66A.DMK NE-DOS floppy image


This is an original Nuova Elettronica floppy disk. Il lato B è chiaramente non originale.
NOTE: disks 65 and 66, even if they seem the same, are two different physical disks.

It contains the following files:

Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS             768    SI-1
SYS6/SYS            3361    SI-1
LEZ3               13479    ---0
LEZ3B              12405    ---0
LEZ4                9440    ---0
LEZ4B               7662    ---0
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-1
SYS7/SYS           13568    SI-1
LEZ4C              11465    ---0
GESTIONE            6690    ---0
DATI                   0    ---0
PROVA                346    ---0
SYS0/SYS            3328    SI-1
SYS1/SYS            1166    SI-1
SYS2/SYS            1076    SI-1
SYS3/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS4/SYS            1210    SI-1
SYS5/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS13/SYS           1024    SI-1
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Disk OK 256 K
CH66A.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
98 K
CH66B.DMK NE-DOS floppy image

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-6
PROVA                346    ---0
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-5
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Disk OK 256 K
CH66B.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
4 K
CH67.DMK NE-DOS floppy image

This is an original Nuova Elettronica floppy disk.

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-6
LEZ11B             12484    ---0
LEZ14              10012    ---0
LEZ11              12737    ---0
LEZ12              11340    ---0
LEZ14B             12889    ---0
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-5
LEZ13B             10460    ---0
LEZ12B             11368    ---0
LEZ13              11429    ---0
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Tracks 5, 10, 14, 24, 32, 38 unreadable 256 K
CH67.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
82 K
CH68.DMK NE-DOS floppy image

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS6/SYS            3361    SI-1
PRINTER/BAS          627    ---0
COPY/CMD            1268    -I-1
FORMAT/CMD          3450    -I-1
BASIC/CMD           6144    -I-1
DIRCHECK/CMD        3584    -I-1
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-1
SYS7/SYS           16384    SI-1
SUPERDEB           14203    -I-0
XXX/CIM                0    ---0
XXX/ASM              276    ---0
MOV/MEM              276    ---0
ADJOLD               795    -I-0
SYS0/SYS            3328    SI-1
EDTASM/CMD          8192    -I-1
SYS1/SYS            1280    SI-1
DISKMAP/CMD         1516    -I-1
DISASSEM/CMD        5376    -I-1
SYS2/SYS            1076    SI-1
LMOFFSET/CMD        1792    -I-1
SYS3/SYS             944    SI-1
SYS11/SYS           1536    SI-1
PROVA                117    ---0
SYS4/SYS            1210    SI-1
SYS12/SYS           1280    SI-1
SYS5/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS13/SYS           1024    SI-1
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Tracks 1, 3, 6, 9, 15 unreadable 256 K
CH68.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
87 K
CH69.DMK NE-DOS floppy image
Disk label: OLIV

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS             768    SI-1
SYS6/SYS            3361    SI-1
FORMAT/CMD          3840    -I-1
COMANDI             1938    ---0
BASIC/CMD           4983    -I-1
EDTASM/CMD          8192    ---0
DISASSEM/CMD        5376    ---0
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-1
SYS7/SYS           13568    SI-1
DIRCHECK/CMD        3328    ---0
LMOFFSET/CMD        1792    ---0
C/CMD                276    ---0
PROVA/CMD             46    ---0
COPY/CMD            1280    -I-1
PROVA/TXT           1435    ---0
SYS0/SYS            3328    SI-1
SUPERZAP           12908    ---0
INITCO              1924    ---0
COM/CMD              276    ---0
TESTO/TXT            226    ---0
COMINIT              609    ---0
INITCOM             1595    ---0
SYS1/SYS            1166    SI-1
X/CMD                276    ---0
DISK/CMD             276    ---0
OLIV                  31    ---0
SYS2/SYS            1076    SI-1
SYS3/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS11/SYS           1276    SI-1
SYS4/SYS            1210    SI-1
SYS12/SYS           1280    SI-1
SYS5/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS13/SYS           1024    SI-1
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Track 31 unreadable 256 K
CH69.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
94 K
CH70.DMK NE-DOS floppy image
Disk label: DOS + LUCA

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS6/SYS            3361    SI-1
FORMAT/CMD          3840    -I-1
FILTRI              1646    ---0
BASIC/CMD           4983    -I-1
DISKDUMP            1936    ---0
IMPED                 74    ---0
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-1
SYS7/SYS           13312    SI-1
COPY/CMD            1277    -I-1
SYS0/SYS            3328    SI-1
SYS1/SYS            1166    SI-1
SYS2/SYS            1076    SI-1
SYS3/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS11/SYS           1276    SI-1
SYS4/SYS            1210    SI-1
SYS12/SYS           1280    SI-1
SYS5/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS13/SYS            777    SI-1
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Disk OK 256 K
CH70.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
63 K
CH71.DMK Floppy image for eprom 390

Video card LX.529 and alphanumeric keyboard LX.387 are required.
To be used with eprom 390.

Included software permits to boot NE-DOS v.2.1 using eprom 390 instead of 1390.

This disk seems to be a copy of CH02 disk.
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Disk OK 256 K
CH71.IMD Floppy image for eprom 390 3 K
CH72.DMK NE-DOS floppy image

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-6
INDEX                  0    ---0
AGG                 1521    ---0
SORGA               1573    ---0
LISTA                674    ---0
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-5
CONTAB1            15994    ---0
CERCA               2292    ---0
CONTAB3            10125    ---0
STAMPA              2271    ---0
DATA                   0    ---0
MENU                 523    ---0
MENU1               2127    ---0
RECUP                462    ---0
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Disk OK 256 K
CH72.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
41 K
CH73.DMK NE-DOS floppy image
Disk label: LABEL CRLEN

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS             768    SI-1
SYS6/SYS            3361    SI-1
FORMAT/CMD          3840    -I-1
SUPERZAP           12906    ---0
BASIC/CMD           4983    -I-1
EDTASM/CMD          8192    ---0
DISASSEM/CMD        5376    ---0
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-1
SYS7/SYS           13568    SI-1
DISKTEST/CMD        3328    -I-1
LABEL                631    ---0
PROVA/TXT            759    ---0
MOSTRA               237    ---0
COPY/CMD            1280    -I-1
EPROMV1/CIM         1056    ---0
SYS0/SYS            3328    SI-1
VERONA               289    ---0
GRAPHIC              488    ---0
CRLEN                116    ---0
SYS1/SYS            1166    SI-1
SYS2/SYS            1076    SI-1
SYS3/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS11/SYS           1276    SI-1
SYS4/SYS            1210    SI-1
SYS12/SYS           1280    SI-1
SYS5/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS13/SYS           1024    SI-1
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Disk OK 256 K
CH73.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
96 K
CH74.DMK NE-DOS floppy image
Disk label: METEOSAT

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS             768    SI-1
SYS6/SYS            3361    SI-1
DISASSEM/CMD        5376    ---0
EDTASM/CMD          8192    ---0
METEOSAT/TXT        1712    ---0
BASIC/CMD           4983    ---0
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-1
SYS7/SYS           13568    SI-1
METEOSAT/CMD          99    ---0
SUPERZAP           12908    ---0
FILTRO/BAS           245    ---0
COPY/CMD            1280    ---0
FORMAT/CMD          3840    ---0
METEOSAT/DAT        8336    ---0
SYS0/SYS            3328    SI-1
METBAS               243    ---0
SYS1/SYS            1166    SI-1
SYS2/SYS            1076    SI-1
SYS3/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS11/SYS           1276    SI-1
SYS4/SYS            1210    SI-1
SYS12/SYS           1280    SI-1
SYS5/SYS            1280    SI-1
SYS13/SYS           1024    SI-1
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Disk OK 256 K
CH74.IMD NE-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
97 K
CH75.DMK TRS-DOS floppy image
Disk label: TRS DOS

This disk seems to be in TRS-DOS disk format for Tandy TRS-80.

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
BOOT/SYS            1280    SI-6
SYS6/SYS            3840    SI-7
FORMAT/CMD          3840    -I-6
ITARAAN             1409    ---0
ITAORBIT            7956    ---0
DIR/SYS             2560    SI-5
BACKUP/CMD          3840    -I-6
METEO2               670    ---0
ECC                  167    ---0
SYS0/SYS            3840    SI-7
L                   1201    ---0
PL                   815    ---0
METEO                719    ---0
SYS1/SYS            1280    SI-7
INVCOS               147    ---0
RIV2                 521    ---0
RAGGIO               326    ---0
SYS2/SYS            1280    SI-7
BASIC/CMD           5120    -I-6
P                   1193    ---0
SYS3/SYS            1280    SI-7
BASICR/CMD          5888    -I-6
PRO4                 355    ---0
SYS4/SYS            1280    SI-7
SYS5/SYS            1280    SI-7
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Disk OK 256 K
CH75.IMD TRS-DOS floppy image
with converted
data address mark
61 K
CH76.DMK CP/M floppy image
Disk label: WS*.* - C.CHARITAKIS - 29/06/84

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
WS.COM             15872    ---0
WSMSGS.OVR         11520    ---0
WSOVLY1.OVR         1280    ---0
PIP.COM             7424    ---0
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Disk OK 256 K
CH76.IMD CP/M floppy image 97 K
CH77.DMK CP/M floppy image
Disk label: CPM 20K VERS 2.2

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
SYSGEN.COM          1024    ---0
PIP.COM             7424    ---0
SUBMIT.COM          1280    ---0
XSUB.COM             768    ---0
ED.COM              6656    ---0
ASM.COM             8192    ---0
DDT.COM             4864    ---0
LOAD.COM            1792    ---0
STAT.COM            5248    ---0
DUMP.COM             512    ---0
FORMAT.COM           768    ---0
COPY.COM             512    ---0
DUMP.ASM            4224    ---0
BASLG.COM           7936    ---0
MOVCPM.COM          9728    ---0
128 bytes per sector
17 sectors per track
40 tracks
Disk OK 256 K
CH77.IMD CP/M floppy image 65 K
CH78.DMK CP/M floppy image
Disk label: CPM 529

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
PIP.COM             7424    ---0
LOAD.COM            1792    ---0
FORMAT5.COM          896    ---0
BASIC.COM           1792    ---0
FORM225.COM          768    ---0
COPY.COM             768    ---0
SYSGEN.COM          1024    ---0
STAT.COM            5248    ---0
DUMP.COM             512    ---0
CPMGEN12.COM        9984    ---0
ED.COM              6656    ---0
DDT.COM             4864    ---0
ASM.COM             8192    ---0
ONECOPY.COM         2048    ---0
128 bytes per sector
17 sectors per track
40 tracks
Disk OK 256 K
CH78.IMD CP/M floppy image 72 K
CH79.DMK CP/M floppy image
Disk label: CP/M VERS. N.E - MBASIC / BASCOM / L80 / STAT - DDT / D / PIP

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
DDT.COM             4864    ---0
MBASIC.COM          7936    ---0
PIP.COM             7424    ---0
BASCOM.COM         14976    ---0
L80.COM             8960    ---0
D.COM               2560    ---0
STAT.COM            5248    ---0
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Disk OK 256 K
CH79.IMD CP/M floppy image 97 K
CH80.DMK CP/M floppy image
Disk label: CP/M 60K + UTILITIES - COPIA ORIGINALE - 28/09/84

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
SUBMIT.COM          1280    ---0
ZSID.COM           10368    ---0
D.COM               2560    ---0
FFORMAT.COM         1792    ---0
HALT.COM             512    ---0
ARROW.COM            256    ---0
HFORM.COM           1152    ---0
LOAD.COM            1792    ---0
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Disk OK 256 K
CH80.IMD CP/M floppy image 74 K
CH81A.DMK CP/M floppy image
Disk label: WSITA PUTSH - WS*.* - 28/09/84

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
PUTSH.COM            896    ---0
SYS60.OVR           7424    ---0
WSOVLY1I.OVR        1280    ---0
WSITA.COM          16128    ---0
WSMSGSI.OVR        10112    ---0
LINE                 384    ---0
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Disk OK 256 K
CH81A.IMD CP/M floppy image 93 K
CH81B.DMK CP/M floppy image
Disk label: WSITA PUTSH - WS*.* - 28/09/84
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Disk OK 256 K
CH81B.IMD CP/M floppy image 71 K
CH82.DMK CP/M floppy image

This disk contains the description of copy-protection used by SONE, and software to protect disks.

It contains the following files:
Filename            Size    Attr
PINI.COM           10368    ---0
PNE.COM            11008    ---0
PPUTSYS.COM        10624    ---0
BRUN.COM           15488    ---5
SYS48.OVR           7424    ---0
SYS56.OVR           7424    ---0
NOTE.NE             4992    ---0
FFORMAT.COM         1792    ---0
256 bytes per sector
10 sectors per track
40 tracks
Disk OK 256 K
CH82.IMD CP/M floppy image 77 K