Olivetti M20 Pictures

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Benjamin's M20Japanese M20BC (2024)

Benjamin's M20Benjamin Eberhardt's Olivetti M20BC (2024)

Luca's picturesLuca's M20 ST (2023)

Edy's videosEdy's retrocomputing videos about the M20 (2023)

Three M20 models, by Chris CarterThree M20 models, by Chris Carter (2020)

The Queen's Footsteps splash screenChris Carter's M20 running text adventure games (2020)

The front of the (very complete) M24 systemAndreas Pittini's M24 system with the Z8001 card (2010)

Three M20Andreas' M20 with APB 8086 (by Andreas Senk, 2008)

Vincenzo 'Pevalcas' Z8001 card for the M24Vincenzo "Pevalcas" Z8001 card for the M24 (2009)

Giorgio's external HDGiorgio's M20 with a massive external hard disk (2007)

The mainboardInternals of Matteo's Color M20 (2007)

Matteo M20sPictures of Matteo's M20 DES and a 4 color system (2007)

Massimiliano's M20 BC and STHave a look at Massimiliano's M20s (BC and ST) (2007)

A nice M20 STSome nice pictures from the 1000bit site (by Tix, 2007)

Three M20Andreas' M20 DES (by Andreas Senk, 2007)

M20HD after the restorationRestauration of an M20HD (by Antonio Busi, 2007)

M20ST and M20BCInternals and externals of the M20 BC and ST (by Antonio Busi, 2007)

Motherboard Non-Olivetti 32kB RAM Card (by Carlo Merlano, 2007)

MotherboardOlivetti M20 BC internals (by Davide Bucci, 2005)

Front viewOlivetti M20 BC (by Davide Bucci, 2005)

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