
You can find in this page many Olivetti M20 manuals in the pdf format. There are 42 manuals in this page. The collection is far from complete! If you own a manual that is not listed here, please consider helping the M20 community all around the world...

Installation and tutorials
Manuals for PCOS and other operating systems
Manuals of BASIC and other languages
Low-level programming
Manuals dedicated to the M20 hardware
Olivetti peripherals
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Installation and tutorials

File Image Lang. Description
m20anl.pdf (3.2MiB) M20 user manual De The Olivetti M20 user manual. Many thanks to Chris Groessler and to his FTP site.
m20_giu.pdf (49MiB) M20 installazione ed uso It The Olivetti M20 installation and use, from the Tix's 1000 bit site.
olitutor.pdf (2.1MiB) Olitutor manual It Olitutor was a tutorial program to interactively learn how to use the M20 with PCOS and BASIC. Many thanks to Matteo Pisani.
olitu[...].pdf (7.7MiB) Olitutor manual It The Olitutor manual scanned at an higher resolution. Many thanks to Matteo Pisani.
Olive[...].pdf (9MiB) L1 DES Bedienungsanleitung De Manual for the DES version (sold in the De market for tax accountants). Thanks to Heiko Schumann.

Manuals for PCOS and other operating systems

File Image Lang. Description
M20_PCOS.pdf (7.3MiB) PCOS manual It A good and detailed description of PCOS 1.0, its structure and the use of its commands. Many thanks to Dino Molli and to his home page.
M20_Betr[...].pdf (77MiB) M20 Betriebssystem PCOS Release 2.0 De M20 Betriebssystem PCOS Release 2.0, many thanks to Benjamin Eberhardt (3.4MiB) PCOS manual It The PCOS 2.0 user manual, from the Tix's 1000 bit site.
m20qref.pdf (4.7MiB) M20 quick reference guide De The Olivetti M20 quick reference guide for PCOS 2.0 and BASIC. Many thanks to Chris Groessler and to his FTP site.
M20 Bed[...].pdf (31.6MiB) M20 Bediener Handbuch PCOS De M20 Bediener Handbuch PCOS. Many thanks to Benjamin Eberhardt.
PCOS_30_UG.pdf (71.1MiB) Eightbit manual En The PCOS 3.0 user manual.
CPM86Parte1.PDF (1.9MiB)
CPM86Parte2.PDF (2.4MiB)
CPM86Parte3.PDF (1.1MiB)
CPM86Parte4.PDF (2.9MiB)
Olivetti M20 CP/M-86 user guide It The CP/M-86 user manual. Many thanks to Matteo.

Manuals of BASIC and other languages

File Image Lang. Description
M20_Han[...].pdf (140.9MiB) M20 Handbuch BASIC 8000 Unter PCOS_1.3 De M20 Handbuch BASIC 8000 Unter PCOS 1.3, many thanks to Benjamin Eberhardt
M20_Han[...].pdf (141.5MiB) M20 Handbuch BASIC 8000 Vorläufige Ausgabe De M20 Handbuch BASIC 8000 Vorläufige Ausgabe, many thanks to Benjamin Eberhardt
M20_BASIC.pdf (11.6MiB) BASIC manual It The description of the Microsoft Basic used in M20 (some pages are misplaced in the pdf file). Many thanks to Dino Molli and to his home page.
m20lbmu.pdf (45.4MiB) BASIC manual It The description of the Microsoft Basic used in M20, from the Tix's 1000 bit site.
pasca[...].pdf (7.5MiB) Olivetti M20 Pascal manual It The Pascal user manual. Many thanks to Matteo.
pasca[...].pdf (7.1MiB) Olivetti M20 Pascal user guide En The Pascal user manual. Many thanks to Matteo.

Low-level programming

File Image Lang. Description
M20_[...].pdf (75.5MiB) M20 The assembler 3.0 user guide En M20 The assembler 3.0 user guide, many thanks to Andreas Ziermann. A very complete resource!
PCOS_[...].pdf (19.1MiB) M20 quick reference guide En Assembler manual and relationships with the PCOS. Assembled from tiffs in Chris' FTP site.
ioepug.pdf (14.6MiB) I/O manual En I/O with external peripherals manual. Many thanks to Chris Groessler and to his FTP site.
v24-pe[...].pdf (2.2MiB) PR430 printer user manual De V24 Peripherie Programmierhandbuch. Many thanks to Chris Groessler and to his FTP site.
Z8000_[...].pdf (4.7MiB) Z8000 programming guide En Zilog Z8000 programming guide, by Z8000 home page, by Jurjen Kranenborg.

Manuals dedicated to the M20 hardware

File Image Lang. Description
hw1.pdf (5.3MiB) Hardware manual 1/2 En Hardware manual, part 1. Many thanks to Chris Groessler and to his FTP site.
hw2.pdf (5.8MiB) Hardware manual 2/2 En Hardware manual, part 2. Many thanks to Chris Groessler and to his FTP site. If you are searching the schematics of the M20, look at this page for a high resolution scan and a modern redrawn version.
Z8001.pdf (4.8MiB) Z8001 datasheet En The Z8001 datasheet provided by SGS-Thomson (now ST microelectronics).
manua[...].pdf (21.6MiB) Olivetti M20 Manuale per l'assistenza It The Olivetti M20 service manual. Many thanks to Roberto Bazzano.
manua[...].pdf (166MiB) Olivetti M20 Manuale per l'assistenza It The Olivetti M20 service manual, high resolution version. Many thanks to Roberto Bazzano.

Olivetti peripherals

File Image Lang. Description
pr430.pdf (3.6MiB) PR430 printer user manual De The daisy printer Olivetti PR430 user manual. Many thanks to Chris Groessler and to his FTP site.
olive[...].pdf (7.4MiB) Olitutor manual It The PR1450 printer manual. Many thanks to Matteo Pisani.
pr320-[...].pdf (13MiB) PR320 printer manual De The Olivetti PR320 printer user manual. Many thanks to Christian Groessler.


File Image Lang. Description
quade[...].pdf (25.7MiB) Olitutor manual It The Olivetti Quaderno Software M20, seconda edizione. A list of all programs available in january 1983 for the Olivetti M20. Here is the Front page. Many thanks to Matteo Pisani.
M20_I[...].pdf (26.9MiB) M20 ISAM User Guide En M20 ISAM User Guide, many thanks to Benjamin Eberhardt
Oliword.pdf (4.7MiB) Oliword user manual En The Oliword manual. There is also a scan of the keyboard overlay for Oliword and the full screen file editor. Many thanks to Dwight Elvey and to Chris Groessler with his FTP site.
Oliwor[...].pdf (0.9MiB) Eightbit manual De Oliword Referenzkarte. Many thanks to Benjamin Eberhardt.
olisort.pdf (24MiB) OLISORT manual En Olisort manual. Many thanks to Chris Groessler and to his FTP site.
M20_OLISORT.pdf (14.7MiB) OLISORT manual
It The description of the Olisort program, which was a general-purpouse sorting program developed by Olivetti. Many thanks to Dino Molli and to his home page.
ISAM.pdf (10.1MiB) M20 quick reference guide En ISAM (Index Sequential Acces Method) reference manual. Assembled from tiffs in Chris' FTP site.
M20_ISAM.pdf (3.4MiB) ISAM manual It The description of the ISAM (Index Sequential Acces Method) program, that was a sort of database developed by Olivetti, that could be easily controlled with PCOS and BASIC. Many thanks to Dino Molli and to his home page.
DBMSParte1.PDF (260KiB)
DBMSParte2.PDF (1.6MiB)
DBMSParte3.PDF (724KiB)
Olivetti M20 DBMS user guide It The Olivetti Data Base Management System manual. Many thanks to Matteo.
eightbit.pdf (4.1MiB) Eightbit manual En The Olivetti Eight Bit (Z80 emulation for CP/M) user manual. Many thanks to Roelof Beverdam.
oliterm.pdf (1.5MiB) Oliterm manual De The Oliterm manual in De. Many thanks to Heiko Schumann.

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