M20 Olivetti M20

Articles appeared on Micro&Personal computer about the M20

Micro&Personal computer was an italian computer magazine. Here you can find a review of the M20 system and a 1984 article describing the end of the M20, when Olivetti decided to drop it in favor of the IBM compatible M24 line. Thanks to Carlo's pages.

1982, Number 19: the review of the Olivetti M20

M&PC 19 Review of the Olivetti M20

M&PC 19 Review of the Olivetti M20

M&PC 19 Review of the Olivetti M20

M&PC 19 Review of the Olivetti M20

M&PC 19 Review of the Olivetti M20

1983, Number 28: A short comparison with the PC IBM

M&PC 28 a short comparation Olivetti M20 vs. PC IBM

1984, Number 40: M24, M19, M10 the new Olivetti line

M&PC 28 The end of a cycle

M&PC 28 The end of a cycle

M&PC 28 The end of a cycle

M&PC 28 The end of a cycle

M&PC 28 The end of a cycle

M20 lineart decoration


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