M20 Olivetti M20

Manipulate disk images

by Christian Groessler

Using disk images for the M20, you may want to access and manipulate PCOS files contained in them. To download the source of m20floppy, click here. This software is under the GNU GPL, Version 2, June 1991.

Installing on Linux/x86:

type make some files will be compiled, generating a executable called m20

Installing on other systems:

edit Makefile and type make I've tried it on Solaris/x86 and it worked, for other systems your mileage may vary. This version worked on disk images only, to access real M20 floppies you'll need Linux or NetBSD. The DOS version supports only 40track/360K floppy drives. It does not work with 1.2M drives.

Using the m20 command

If you start m20 w/o arguments it will print a short usage overview:

usage: m20 image_file option
       option can be one of
          ls      - list files on image
          lsl     - verbosely list files on image
          cat     - show file from image
          get     - get file from image
          mget    - get multiple files from image
          put     - put file onto image
          mput    - put multiple files onto image
          rm      - delete file on image
          new     - create a new empty image
          version - display program version

Short description of the options:

  • ls: display contents of image (file names). Only the file names are listed, one in each line, for easy use with the mget option.
    m20 m20disk.img ls | xargs m20 m20disk.img mget
  • lsl: display contents of image (file names) in a format similar to the PCOS vl command.
    m20 m20disk.img lsl
  • cat: print contents of (ascii) file from image
    m20 m20disk.img cat file.txt
  • get: get a file from the image (i.e. copy to host file system), optionally renaming it
    m20 m20disk.img get PCOS.SAV
    (this will copy the PCOS.SAV file from the image to a PCOS.SAV file on the host file system)
    m20 m20disk.img get PCOS.SAV newname.bin
    (this will copy the PCOS.SAV file from the image to a newname.bin file on the host file system)
  • mget: get multiple files from the image (i.e. copy to host file system)
    m20 m20disk.img get PCOS.SAV file1 file2
    (this will copy the PCOS.SAV, file1, and file2 files from the image to a files with the same name on the host file system)
  • put: put host file onto image, optionally renaming it e.g. m20 m20disk.img put runz.batz
    (this will copy the file runz.batz onto the image)
    m20 m20disk.img put runz.batz newname.bin
    (this will copy the file runz.batz onto the image and name it newname.bin there)
  • mput: put host files onto image
    m20 m20disk.img put runz.batz file1 file2
    (this will copy the files runz.batz, file1, and file2 onto the image)
  • rm: remove files from image
    m20 m20disk.img rm basic.cmd file1 file2
    (this will delete the files basic.cmd, file1, and file2 from the image)
  • new: create a fresh empty image (format disk)
    m20 newimage.img new
    (you will have to populate the image with the put command)

    What else?

    Nothing I know of. If you have comments/suggestions/etc., please contact me here. You may need to change the mail address.
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